The Art Of Body Language

Alpha Male Bible: Become a Casanova! Learn Charisma, Confidence, Self-Hypnosis, Eye Contact, Dating Strategies, Psychology of Attraction, Flirt With ... & Self-Discipline of a Real Seducer Man - Dale Cardone 2021

The Art Of Body Language

What Is Communication?

It is worth questioning what it is about communication? There are many definitions of this word, but if we look at the Royal Spanish Academy, we will see that we mean "Transmission of signals through a common code to the sender and receiver" by communication. That is, in general terms that two or more people get to understand each other. It is simple, and we are talking about the elements that intervene in every communication process: Sender, message, channel, receiver, and code. Often it seems that the common code par excellence (which allows the sender to spread a message and the receiver to interpret it) is the word, the language, but it is not always the safest.

Once it has been defined that verbal communication is not the only method used to communicate, it is important to make clear, on the one hand, the relationship of interdependence that exists between the verbal and non-verbal channels (since they are not independent of each other, rather they complement each other ); and secondly, the contradictory nature of this relationship, since words can say something and gestures deny it.

Non-verbal Communication

When we talk about non-verbal communication, we refer to all those messages that we send without speaking. We talk about gestures, expressions, body movements, eye contact ... a whole series of signals that are very important in the relationship between people. Therefore, studying non-verbal communication means knowing how to interpret everything that words do not say.

If there are three important points to highlight about non-verbal communication, it is an unconscious type of communication that we cannot act on. Second, each gesture has meaning within the same context. Therefore, isolated gestures should not be analyzed but rather should be analyzed as a whole. And thirdly ... that human communication is very complex.

It should be remarked that non-verbal communication studies are relatively new. Although Darwin already pointed out some aspects of this science, until the beginning of the 20th century, there was no significant interest in communication through facial expressions. Moreover, it took the 1950s for some authors to decide to channel the issue.

As Flora Davis points out, "Words are beautiful, fascinating and important, but we have overestimated them excessively" since, in communication, not all the merit of the message goes to the words. Still, there are a whole series of elements that also are present. Psychologist Albert Mehrabian decomposed the impact of a message in percentages, giving a first and important place to body language with 55%, a 38% to voice, and the last place to words with only 7%. These numbers, known as the 7% -38% -55% rule, do not apply to any communicative situation, they vary according to the circumstances, and on numerous occasions, the author denies their universal nature. As can be read on their website: "Total result = 7 Verbal + 38% Vocal + 55% Facial: Please note that this and other equations concerning the relative importance of verbal and non-verbal messages were derived from experiments related to communication of emotions and attitudes (i.e., like-dislike). Unless a communicator is speaking about their feelings or attitudes, these equations are not applicable. "

Once non-verbal communication is well defined, it is important to know how to distinguish the three typologies: Paralinguistic, Proxemic, and Kinesic.

Paralanguage is the set of non-verbal elements of the voice. We refer to its intensity or volume, speed, rhythm, intonation, laughter, and crying to understand each other better. For example, a deep voice will give us more respect and authority than a voice with low dominance.

Proxemics refers to the use of space by two or more people in the communication process. That is the distance between the emitter and the receiver. Edward T. Hall was a pioneer in researching the use of space. They speak of different types of distance:

● Public distance (more than 360 cm). Distance to speak in a group.

● Social distance (between 120 and 360 cm). Social gatherings and parties.

● Personal distance (between 46 and 120 cm). It is the distance that separates us from strangers.

● Close distance (between 15 and 45 cm). It is the most important and is what a person has as their own space. Only people with a very effective relationship are allowed to join.

Finally, Kinesic or Kinesis studies the meaning of body movements and gestures in a communicative situation ... It is essential to highlight that the body movements carried out may or may not have the intention and that eye movement is also included in Kinesic. Since this type of non-verbal communication is the one that can be seen represented in the short film, we will try to define it in greater detail.

Kinesis types:

Posture: It expresses the attitude of people concerning their environment. A distinction is made between an open posture, when a person opens up to communication without putting up physical barriers such as crossing arms or legs, and a closed position, when we cross arms and legs, separating ourselves from our interlocutor.

Gestures: These are movements of any part of the body that can express a multitude of sensations and emotions. For example, showing the fist with the thumb raised will mean the familiar "OK."

Face expressions: Through the face, we express countless states of mind; we can express up to 1000 possible emotions. In his book Emotion in the human Faces, Paul Ekman shows that facial gestures reflect our emotions. After many years of study, he established seven facial expressions on the human face: happiness, sadness, anger, disgust, surprise, fear, contempt.

The gaze: Eye contact is very important since in the communicative act it plays a series of roles: it regulates communication (it is an indicator of the turn to speak or act), it is a source of information (a sustained gaze is not the same threatening than an affective look), expresses emotions and communicates the nature of the interpersonal relationship.

The smile: It expresses joy, sympathy, or happiness. In his work Social Intelligence, Daniel Goleman writes, "Ekman has identified eighteen different types of smiles based on different combinations of the fifteen facial muscles involved." Among them, it is worth mentioning, to name just a few, the fake smile that seems attached to an unhappy face and transmits an attitude of the type "smile and cheer," which seems the very reflection of resignation; the cruel smile displayed by the wicked person who enjoys hurting others and the distant smile characteristic of Charles Chaplin, which mobilizes a muscle that most people cannot voluntarily move and seems, laugh out loud.

Touch and smell: Human beings also communicate through smell and touch. Both the skin and the nose are receptors for messages.


The cinema, television, literature, and theater have been in charge during all this time to remind us of great seducers who have marked history. Cleopatra, Casanova, Kenedy are just some of them.

Now let's take as a reference the meanings that the Royal Spanish Academy offers us about the word "seduction": Deceive with art and skill; Gently persuade for something bad. Physically attracting someone to obtain sexual intercourse from them and Seizing or captivating the mood.

It should be remarked that although most of the time we use this term to refer to sensual relationships, it is true that this is not the case since we can feel seduced by objects such as clothes or shoes, by the speech of a politician ... It is important to distinguish between affective, social and professional Seduction among others. For this reason, seducing is attracting or pleasing by physical appearance or an opinion. It is about offering something pleasant to the eye of our interlocutor. Argues the Psychologist Vallejo-Nájera, "We love that they seduce us because they are mainly offering us pleasure."

The psychologist affirms that "Seduction is related to love success, but it is not only that. We seduce each time we communicate, and we make the person in front of us feel attracted to us. There is a genetic load because more people are extroverts, who have it easier, and others less. But it also influences how we were the first relationships with parents, friends, teachers. "Therefore, Seduction does not only exist outside the love field, but we also seduce since we are little.

Vallejo-Nájera in Psychology of Seduction offers a classification of the existing seductive prototypes according to roles. He maintains that the first step is to discover which typology suits our characteristics.

Aphrodite: Gives off sensuality, which offers serious, protective men. You want security and to feel pampered. His emotionality fluctuates between laughing and crying. The seductress feels that his image of a sexually powerful man is strengthened. To seduce her, you must offer her loyalty, security, and optimism.

The low life: He seeks adventure and offers an overflowing passion to women who are a little insecure and maternal. For this, he entertains them with ardor. He is narcissistic but with self-esteem problems; therefore, he needs admiration. To win him over, you have to admire him and help him channel his emotions.

● The rescuer: It is the angel who solves all problems, offering help and generosity. They look for chaotic, clueless people with low self-esteem. He is motivated by feeling indispensable. To seduce them, you have to admire their help and help you to spend time with yourself.

● The artist: Creative and romantic, he looks for people who are sensitive to beauty, who are struck by his genius. They want to feel special, and therefore their idealism must be respected, valuing their authenticity.

The captivator: Cheerful and agile verb, he is the king of empathy who looks for rigid and self-demanding people who need positivism. Enjoy life and to conquer him, you have to avoid being unhappy and not criticize anyone.

The intellectual: Offers wisdom to anyone who wants intellectual stimulation. They are very selective and imply that they do not need the other. To conquer them, you have to respect their space and solitude and not overwhelm them with emotional demands.

The charming: The oasis of tranquility and friendliness, support, and lack of pretense, especially with stress problems. The charmer does not argue and nurtures the opponent's self-esteem. It motivates you to feel comfortable.

The divo: It is the style, the 'glamor' without apparent effort, with which he catches people overwhelmed by routine. The divo is ethereal, insinuating, and distant and seeks perfection. To attract him, you have to encourage him not to treat himself so harshly, to make him enjoy the small pleasures of an imperfect life.

The language of seduction

"To be seductive. We all secretly dream of it, and we all defend ourselves well from its attacks; it is the nature of Seduction (...) The truth is that everyone wants to seduce, and Seduction is at the center of all human relationships" Philippe Turchet, The language of Seduction.

We will start from a premise: The most seductive people, beyond their physical appearance, are those who know how to communicate. There may be beautiful people who do not have Seduction's art among their gifts, who do not have that charm that captivates their interlocutors. Thus the words communication and Seduction are two processes that go hand in hand.

Logically before a good communicator, we are captivated, but not by the message sent, but by how it is transmitted. The seducing art is based on sending imperceptible messages (some messages only last hundreds of milliseconds) to make our listener interested. However, these messages are not indistinguishable to the brain, which is in charge of processing and adapting to them. Thus, it can be said that gestures act as subliminal messages.

Philippe Turchet, who in his book The Language of Seduction advises fleeing from words to seduce, is the father of Synology. This science was born in the 1980s after several years of study. This discipline tries to decipher the meaning of small gestural details, facial micro-expressions, gestures, and body movements that we perform unconsciously (such as why we support our head on one of our hands or why we cross our legs).

We have already commented that words should not be as important as gestures in the communication process; that is why we must give a vote of confidence to gestures in the event of a contradiction between gestures and words. Many studies show that words are unable to convey emotions.

A very decisive stage in Seduction is childhood. Although it may not appear similar to it, this process does not develop when we reach a certain age, but since we are small and we make contact with social relationships, we learn to use it. We have always seen how there are children at school who are more charismatic than others.

Head and face

When it comes to representing emotions on the face, various elements act the mouth, the eyebrows, the eyes, and the gaze.

It should be noted that the left part of the face is the part of the emotions, controlled by the right hemisphere. However, the right part is the control part and is directed by the left hemisphere. Very contrary to what we think, our face is not symmetrical.

The eyes and the gaze

If we observe our interlocutor's gaze, we can answer some questions, such as if they pay attention to us or simply if we attract them. In this sense, the eyelids play a fundamental role, since when people are listening, we weblink to accept the information that comes from outside. A person who stops blinking does not pay attention. Like when we use the expression "Being in Babia" to describe someone clueless. The more I blink, the more immersed you are in the conversation.

Another detail to highlight is the brightness of the eyes or the size of the pupils. When we are in the appearance of someone we love, our eyes become moist, and the pupils tend to increase in size. Simultaneously, if our interlocutor looks at us, and the desire is mutual, his pupils will also enlarge.

The eyebrows

When we worry that our interlocutor does not open up to communication, our eyebrows immediately take a "V" shape. This gesture will show on your face that something is not right for many words that say otherwise.

The mouth

This part of the face is considered a very desirable area. Logically, the actions we perform with our mouths are different from what we can perform with our eyes. If we realize, when we are interested in a person, our gaze goes directly to his mouth. It is a form of approximation. Besides, we also use our mouth to moisten our lower lip, thus expressing our desire. If this movement is made from left to right, the desire is sexual.

The smile

To know if a smile has been sincere, it is enough to analyze if the eyebrows have descended, wrinkles have been created on the crow's feet, and if the teeth are visible. If this does not happen, the smile is fake.

The hand on the face

When our hands go to the face, it is not by chance; they also intend to transmit messages. A well-known sign covers your mouth with your hands, which is nothing more than an expression of shame derived from childhood when we hide our faces behind our palms.

Another well-known sign that creates a lot of controversies is that of stroking your hair with your hands. It is thought that this act is a sign of Seduction, but it is not like that; not all hand gestures with hair have that intention. Some are only self-contact, while others are looking for an approximation. To know how to distinguish, it is important to look at how high the hand is, if it is close to the listener or if, on the contrary, it is as far away as possible. Besides, the palm state also comes into play; if it is uncovered, it expresses opening, while if the person making the gesture is hidden, it closes.

Another very common gesture is to support the head; on the one hand, this gesture is nothing more than the desire to attract attention, to seek that our interlocutor looks at us.


A distinction must be made between itching that appears because we are uncomfortable and itching that is sexual. When we talk about the former, we refer to situations in which we are with someone we like, but for some reason, we are uncomfortable, and our body reacts through itching in the ear, nose, chin, or cheek. Regarding the latter, the most important is the one that appears in the "Cupid's Bow," the space between the higher lip and the nose.

The gestures

Gestures in conversations are more than important. Rather than complement the word, they provide the true meaning of the message. Some studies show that Italians are the most seductive people in Europe. Coincidentally they are the ones who have the most gestures in their culture.

The hands

The hands say a lot about our emotions. If we present the open palm when we speak, this translates into an opening to communication; the opposite occurs when the palms are not shown. If we hide them, for example, behind our back, we are hiding our emotions. Also, when we decide not to participate in communication, our hands lower their temperature.

The shoulders

This area is very special since next to the neck, we reserve it for very effective relationships. By caressing some part of the body, we unconsciously take our interlocutor to the area where the caresses fall. If a man and a woman are attracted at high levels, they make small movements with the left shoulder as a call.

The trunk

The trunk is faithfully linked to our ego, to our person. If you think about it, when we refer to ourselves, we touch the trunk. In this area, a series of trunks may appear, especially in the left breast. This action represents contradictory wishes. When, for example, we want to get close to someone, but something holds us back.

Arms and forearms

Together with the hands, the arms and the forearms are an extension of what we say; they also symbolize people's relationships. When we caress our arms on the outside, we are expressing the desire to be caressed. It is very important to see how the fists are because if they are not supinated, we want to be caressed, but we do not open ourselves, especially to the person close to us. This gesture is deepened if a slight tilt of the head accompanies it. Another common gesture is crossing your arms and stroking your shoulder with one hand. If we caress the right shoulder, our feelings are closed; however, our emotions are externalized if we caress the left shoulder.

If what is caressed is the forearm, this gesture indicates a desire to be closer to the interlocutor. We offer ourselves to them; we are more distant from the trunk, from our person. Besides, the caresses in the inner part of this area indicate a relational desire.

When there are contradictory thoughts about a couple's desire, our body also reacts with slight itching in these areas as repression. These micropores represent a contradiction between what is said and what is thought, between words and emotions.


The heart and the ring finger are two fingers that play an important role in the seductive process. The middle finger represents a physical desire, while the ring finger is the symbol of union. If a person wears a ring between their fingers and slides it all over their finger, it means they want to get closer. It does not have to be a sexual desire since, between friends, it can happen.

Elbows and wrists

Elbows are very present in desire; we use them to give hugs. Micro-itches may appear on the elbow; this gesture denotes a large opening.

On the other hand, when we talk and gesture, our wrists' state is of special importance. If we open them, presenting them, we offer ourselves to communication. However, if we hide them, we are expressing a rejection.

The legs

Just as the upper part of the body expresses affective desires, the lower part symbolizes physical desires, so both parts' messages are different. It should be noted that with the legs, we have much greater freedom of movement than with the arms. Besides, there are situations in which the legs are subject to being hidden (when we are sitting at a table), but this does not mean that they do not express their desire but rather express themselves with greater autonomy. Leg crosses serve to exclude and include people in a specific situation. Just look at which leg we cross and where the leg is pointing to know who we are leaning towards.

Another difference between the two parts of the body is that men do not use the lower part in the same way as women to express openness. First, the females open their ankles or, if they are sitting, make slight movements with the ankle that will point the interlocutor. However, males slightly spread their legs. Also, if they scratch their knee, they express the desire to get close to a woman. If what they scratch is the thigh, they manifest sexual desire.

What Is Body Language?

The communication that we carry out through our body greatly influences social relationships and is the perfect mirror of emotions.

It has happened to everyone that they have met a person, but this person did not convey confidence. This is frequently because there is a contradiction between what they are communicating verbally and their body language.

Body language: It is a kind of non-verbal communication based on the gestures, poses, and movements of the body and face. It is usually done automatically, so it is a good indicator of the person's emotional state.

On other occasions, the opposite may happen, that we meet someone who has coordinated body language and verbal communication and gives us good feelings. There are many moments in the business world when you have to speak in public and generally under pressure, so you must have good control over non-verbal language. This way, you will be closer to achieving your goal. The examples that you can see in this post will be great for:

● Presentations

● Talks.

● Network.

Of course, you must mind that non-verbal communication can be influenced by environmental circumstances, and, therefore, it is not an arbitrary truth. To be able to do an inspection and be sure of it, you must find periodic signals.

Body Language Clues To Watch Out For

Your gestures and postures say more about you than words. To be prosperous in business, you must know how to make an excellent impression.

Body language and non-verbal interaction can have a huge impact on your professional life, as well as creating or breaking a deal, a business relationship, and even your financial success. "In business, one of the most significant things is the impression you make on people," says Eliot Hoppe, author and body language expert.

Body language includes body movements, facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice. Take note of Hoppe's tips to optimize your probability of success:

Posture: People make assumptions about others in the first four seconds, says Hoppe. "In business, you have to remember that when you walk into a room, people have already decided for you before you sit down."

Handshake: Physical contact is an essential part of body language, so doing it wrong could lead to rejection while doing it right can be the first step to a successful business transaction. "In most parts of the world, a business handshake is a norm, and from there, you can get a concept of whether the person is dominant and aggressive or passive," says Hoppe.

An important caveat: Watch the "power play." Observations like weak or firm grips can be easy. But you should also check when greeting someone if the other person tries to move the grip so that their hand is up. "This is a power game," says Hoppe. Although most of these reactions are unconscious, sometimes they sign what the person wants from you.

You should also observe what the freehand does during the salute. Does the opposite person use the second hand to squeeze your hand or to press the other arm? The higher the free hand is, the greater the power play, according to Hoppe.

George Bush and Tony Blair were a typical case of a power-play touch. "Who put their hand up or walked into a room first was always a topic,"

Another tip: Don't hold a drink in hand you use to greet people. "All the other person will feel is a cold, wet hand," says Hoppe. "And you don't want to give that hypothesis."

Touching your face: Never touch your face. This shows a lack of trust and dishonesty while touching your lips can sign a lack of understanding. "When you see someone reach their face, you instantly distrust them," says Hoppe.

The tone of voice : Plays a very crucial role in communication. "If you are trying to persuade someone of something, pay attention to your tone of voice. If you are making a statement or giving an order, your voice should reduce its pitch at the end of each sentence. So if you're trying to convince someone, make sure you do it. "

Also, be careful: A person trying to disappoint someone tends to raise his voice at the end of each sentence.

Clothing : Red and yellow are colors of power. Be careful when wearing them, as they can show confidence or make you look arrogant in front of people.

Appear vulnerable : Look at your colleagues' items such as pens and glasses; do they have chewed edges? How do they hold their books or portfolios? These behaviors indicate how a person conducts negotiations, as well as their business trust. "When we feel helpless, we protect our neck area. When someone feels vulnerable, they try to protect themselves (holding books or papers in front of their chest or touching their neck), which is a technique to show self-confidence".

Standing posture: If you want to make the best impression face-to-face with someone, take a small step to the left so that your right eye is directed directly into the colleague's right eye.

How To Improve Your Body Language

Body language is ancient and innate to us; it is even more so than the language itself and facial expressions. That is why blind people make the same body language expressions as people who can see. It comes as pre-programmed in our brain.

I have always been fascinated with this and how it helps us achieve our goals in life. The power of body language is described very well by Amy Cuddy in her famous phrase:

"Our non-verbal language governs

the way other people think and feel about us."

If you're anything like me, then you've had a healthy obsession with this for some time. Some studies at Harvard, Princeton, and other major universities have shared something new on this topic and how to use it at work in recent years. Although the power of communication is very important in delivering the right message, the power of body language can be a determining factor in how someone makes us feel.

Here is a sampling of some of the studies on how to use non-verbal language to your advantage every day:

Your body expressions express more emotion than your face. We all turn up discovering how to deal with others based on facial expressions. Nevertheless, that may not be the best way to judge someone else's emotions. Researchers at Princeton did a simple experiment. They asked study participants to judge a photograph if they felt happiness, loss, victory, or pain. Some photos simply showed facial expressions, some body language, and some both.

In four experiments, participants guessed emotion based on body language - alone or combined with facial expressions - rather than easy expression alone. Extremely negative or extremely positive emotions are especially difficult to distinguish.

Body language is not something we have to learn. Most of the emotional expressions already come into our system. For example, scientists in British Columbia observed people with congenital blindness at the Paralympic Games. So if body language is so ancient and so powerful in expressing our true emotions, how can we best use it in our lives to achieve what we want?

Body Language Changes Us.

Amy Cuddy describes some of the most peculiar events of body language. It focuses on the business world and how non-verbal language is good for this, and the possibilities seem limitless. Cuddy chooses between two different types of body postures. One is the pose of power, and the other is the one that has no power.

Cuddy's research reveals a lot of interesting things. The first tells us that expressing more power poses helps us get jobs, makes us feel better and more successful.

You don't have to do much, just improve the position of your arms or legs. Cuddy explains that there will also be changes in our body when there are changes in our body language. These changes have to do with hormones:

● Testosterone. The "power" hormone, where among other things, it helps us to be better leaders, have more focus and attention.

● Cortisone. The "stress" hormone, which, among other things, makes us less reactive to stress, distresses us, and we feel powerless.

The key is to fake it until you believe it. Here are five poses to work on today to answer the question, "How can I improve my body language?"

Focus on the status of your feet.

Carol Kinsey Goman has examined the importance of body language in the workplace for many years. One of his best tips is to pay attention to your feet.

Many times we focus on the top, but the feet reveal more about our emotions than we would like to think:

"When you approach two people talking, you can be perceived in one of two styles. If your two colleagues' feet stay in place and twist only their upper torso in your direction, they don't want to join your conversation. But if their feet open to including, you know you are invited to participate. "

To find out if the conversations are over, she advises us this: "When you're talking to a co-worker who appears to be paying attention and whose top is tilted toward you, but their legs and feet are facing the door, the conversation is over. His feet are telling you that he wants to leave. The position of the feet can be revealed even if the legs are crossed. "

Smile; it will make you happier.

We smile because we are right, but does it work the other way?

Researchers at Cardiff University think so. Without actually feeling happy, people who laugh can make them even happier, says Michael Lewis, a co-author of the study.

"It seems that the way we feel about our emotions does not depend only on our brain; there are parts of our body that help reinforce the feelings we are having."

Being able to smile well is another story. For now, try smiling in the bathroom or another quiet place before a difficult conversation, job interview, or meeting. It will make you feel more triumphant.

Practice Amy Cuddy's "power poses" before critical meetings.

Practice three different power poses for 2 - 3 minutes before having an extensive interview.

Try them next time in a peaceful place and see if you get the same results.

Realign your body when you have a conversation.

Another tip of Goma is that if you try to change your position when having a chat, you will reduce the tension in conversations and develop faster solutions.

"If you physically align yourself with these people (standing, sitting shoulder to shoulder in the same direction), you can defuse the situation."

Lower your voice by breathing deeply.

Although this is not a specific type for body posture, it is one of my favorites. Men and women with more deep voices are more likely to rise to leadership positions and are perceived as an authority.

To lower your voice, especially before an interview, try taking a few deep breaths. It will relax your throat, which generally contracts and raises the pitch of your voice.

Body language is much more important than we often think. It is so important that, according to multiple studies, about 93% of what we transmit in a conversation is non-verbal communication.

What Should You Look For In Your Partner's Body Language?

Below you will see different non-verbal language techniques and what their meanings may be:

non-verbal language Meaning of facial gestures in non-verbal language

When we speak, we see the person in front of us, so eye contact with the other person's face is almost obligatory and continuous. Many elements such as eyes, smiles, or hands brought to the face have much more meaning than we think.

Pupil size

It is one of the great acquaintances within body language. The decrease can mean dislike for what is being seen, while the increase means pleasure. This effect is often invisible because the pupils also adapt to changes in the environment.

Eye contact

To a considerable extent, this factor depends on the person who receives it and, therefore, within non-verbal communication, and it can have a positive or negative interpretation. It depends on the awareness that the reaction is produced in the person.

Prolonged eye contact

Staring into a person's eyes for a long period can mean that you lie to that person. In this way, he keeps his gaze, sometimes without blinking, to dodge being discovered in the deception.

Look sideways

It is an action that can have an unenthusiastic meaning since, in non-verbal language, it means indifference and that you are looking for escape routes to distract yourself.

Touch your nose

It is different from the great acquaintances in body language. The main meaning is that the person making the gesture is lying, but sometimes it can mean that the person is offended or shocked.

Voice tone and volume

Are one of the essential elements in non-verbal language.

As a clarification, it must be said that the tone is the timbre of the voice, while the volume is the power of it.

Thanks to the union of these two elements, within the non-verbal language, we can find several meanings:

Sadness : It occurs when there is a moderate volume and a solemn tone in the voice.

Joy : It occurs when there is a great volume and a harsh tone in the voice.

Disinterest: It occurs when there is a moderate volume and tone in the sound.

Nervousness: It happens when there is a medium-high volume, and you speak fast.

Surprise: This happens when there is a high pitch, fast speed, and accentuated pronunciation in the voice.

Confidence: This happens when there is a high volume, a determined tone, and you speak at a medium speed.

Non-verbal language is the mirror of emotions. Know their meanings!

Take care of the mouth .

It is a careless action, and the person performs it because they are insecure or need to calm down. This gesture of keeping the mouth is because it tries to return to the protection of the mother.

Fake smiles

Another of the great acquaintances of body language consists of detecting when someone is forcing a smile. A genuine smile is one in which wrinkles appear in the fields near the eyes. For this purpose, fake smiles are those that do not have those ridges.

Laugh with you

When you have a conversation with a person, and a joint laugh occurs, it means that the person is interested in the conversation. If it occurs in a group, it has the same meaning.

Rest your chin on your hands

It is a movement that within a non-verbal language can have different readings depending on the position of the palm:

Open palm: It can have a meaning of boredom or lack of interest.

Closed palm: It can mean that the person is evaluating what is said or done.

Head high and chin forward

You have heard the phrase "go with your head up" on many occasions. When a person realizes this gesture, it is read in non-verbal communication as a sign that shows aggressiveness and power.

Touching your ear

On many occasions, this gesture means the desire to block or not listen to the words being heard. But if the context is a discussion between two people, it may mean that the person understands that you are hiding something.

Touching the ear means the desire to block out what is being heard .

Scratching the neck

When a person performs this movement while talking to you, they are unsure what they are saying.

Closed jaw + tense neck + frown

It is a set of gestures that happen when there is a position with which you are dissatisfied.

Nod your head

It is a spreading gesture, which in most cases has a positive meaning since it communicates interest and agreement. When the gesture is made numerous times and at high speed, it means that you no longer want to listen.

Body language Meaning of the gestures of the arms and hands in verbal language, arms can be very valuable in the non-verbal language since they are great allies when communicating something. Sometimes, they harm when communicating if we do not manage their movements, and they distract the public or give different signals to the message.

Shrug your shoulders

It is a universal movement within the non-verbal language, and it means not knowing what is happening. Generally, this shoulder movement is accompanied by open palms, a slight hunch of the back, and a raised eyebrow.

Crossed arms

It is a well-known preventive body language stance that signifies rejection or misunderstanding. But you have to be concerned with this movement because it can mean that the person is cold, so you must take the circumstances into account.

The movement of the hands is a great ally to communicate the message.

Arms crossed with thumbs up.

It has a similar purpose to crossing the arms, but the thumbs up denote that they want to convey pride.

Hands behind your back

It is a site that demonstrates determination and shows that the person speaking is not afraid. Besides, this posture can help you gain confidence in times of insecurity.

Aim with one finger and closed hand

It is an aggressive gesture that is transmitted to other people who hear negative feelings. For the person who completes it, it has a purpose of winning over the rest.

Open palms

Performing this move-in non-verbal communication signifies honesty and reliability. Generally, it is carried out as a sign that nothing is hidden from the people who carry it out, so it provides credibility in the communication.

Speaking showing the palms of the hands gives greater credibility.

Interlock the fingers of the hands

Generally, this position of the hands is negative and conveys an anxious or repressed attitude.

Join fingertips

Although it seems marvelous, it has the opposite meaning to weaving your fingers. In non-verbal language, this hands' position means confidence and security but can sometimes be confused with arrogance.

Non-verbal language Means the gestures of the legs and feet in non-verbal language. It may be the least visible body, but it can tell a lot about the person speaking. In conversations or conversations in which you have to speak, you must control what your legs and feet' movement says to make the viewers feel contradictory to your message.

Trembling legs

When a person has trembling legs, it can mean that they are in anxiety, irritation, or both.

Forward foot

Generally, when you put your foot ahead, you do so in the direction you want to go. This can take various readings, depending on where your foot is pointing.


If your foot is pointed towards the exit door, that means you want to leave and finish as soon as possible to leave. The same thing happens if you speak to have their feet facing the exit; they want to leave.

Person: If your foot is pointing towards a person, that means that you find them interesting and are paying full attention to them.

Sitting with one leg elevated and supported on the other.

It is the most common non-verbal language presence of men. It shows a competitive attitude or in preparation for an argument.

If you seem to dance with your feet while talking, you are doing something wrong.

Crossed legs

It is a defensive and closed attitude. When a person chooses this posture with arms and legs crossed in a social context, they are not immersed in the conversation. In a marketing context, it means that the person is closed mentally, emotionally, and actually.

Crossed ankles

This sign is still within protective body language, just like when we cross our legs. This gesture is made to maintain control.

Body language Meaning of postures in non-verbal language

Postures in non-verbal language are very powerful, both personally and professionally, when doing a job interview.

It is a circumstance that gives a lot of care to what you want to communicate and, in many cases, conditions the type of gestures that are used in non-verbal communication.

Hiding behind someone or something

When a person is speaking, either standing or sitting and puts an objective between himself and the person or persons he is speaking, he seeks to defend himself. This shows that you are not sure what you are saying and are afraid to say it if it fails.

Expansive stance

When we converse, our feet are separated (at the height of the shoulders), and the arms are slightly open showing the palms. In this way, there is a posture of honesty and of not hiding anything with which you gain trust among the public.

Imitate language

When you're speaking to someone you like, the positions and movements are related. This way, you can determine if the talks or meetings are going as intended.

If the person you are talking to follows your movements and postures, the conversation goes very well.

Jug pose

It is a posture that affords greater presence and power. It happens when your feet are at shoulder height and your hands are on your hips. In this position, the chest's position also intervenes; the more outside it is, the more aggressive it will communicate.

Stick out breast

This posture occurs when the person feels they have power and control. This is very important as it means that the person has achieved some accomplishment of which they are proud. In postures to increase superiority, it can also communicate aggressiveness,

Change your body language to improve your communication skills.

Body language speaks for us; that is why it is one of the others' most important aspects. At work, mastering body language is also essential to communicate properly and demonstrate your ability.

Interpretations of body language can be misleading. As Ginny Soskey tells us on HubSpot Blogs, "If you want others to understand what you want to say without confusion, you must ensure that your facial expression, your posture, and other non-verbal signals are in tune with your message."

A person is capable of generating 250,000 different facial expressions and more than 1,000 different body postures. 82% of messages enter us through the eyes, compared to 11% that we perceive through the ear. It took us only 7 seconds to pass judgment on someone just after seeing them. Incredible true?

This is why there are such numerous body language features that influence our work's success or failure, and of course, in our daily negotiations. In addition to the five tips on body language that we gave you to improve your negotiations, take note of these recommendations to improve your communication skills and develop your leadership skills:

Have a positive attitude and maintain eye contact with the person you are addressing; nods from time to time and smiles. Stand up and take up space; This posture shows security and confidence and is the way to establish power if you act from a leadership position. Coordinate your body language with your verbal message; avoid contradictions. Keep a correct physical distance with the person or group with whom you speak. Not too close to be aggressive, not too far to suggest contempt or indifference.

Let others talk, don't interrupt, and pay attention. Avoid distracting gestures (for example, looking at your nails or clothes). If you are forced to disagree, use your body language to support your position. Make proper physical contact without being threatening. Do not turn your back on others. Adopt a kind posture that inspires confidence and sincerity. Do not be afraid to gesticulate while you speak; it has been proven that following a piece of information with gestures serves to understand the information better because the words become visible to our understanding.

Mastering body language is part of the difficulty of developing communication skills, which are increasingly sought after in the business world, even above employees' technical knowledge. That is why it is important to work on our soft skills with Merchants and Triskelion programs for our individual and professional growth.

Body Language As A Weapon Of Seduction

The body allows you to seduce without a word. If you are one of those who, when you speak, the bread rises, it is better that you use body language to flirt.

All human beings can flirt using body language. There are several infallible techniques to achieve the purpose successfully. Men and women use different gestures to take their flirt to the garden, but how should we use non-verbal language as a Seduction weapon?

They: a movie hunk

Before starting to forge the strategy, the man must put himself in the woman's shoes and know what is expected in that meeting: discard the idea of talking, thinking, or looking at other women. She and nothing but her is the target.

She stares into hers as if there is no tomorrow: knowing how to look is almost as important as knowing how to speak. Through the look, a person will give more or less confidence to repeat a second date. When someone looks at you, it is because they are interested in you, in your conversation, and your experiences. Don't get lost!

Take charge of the date: women like to control the situation but at the same time feel controlled. Taking the reins means keeping the thread of the conversation, bringing up topics, choosing the menu, and of course, paying the bill. Be careful going from controlling the situation to trying to control the girl!

Hands-on the table:

You don't have to be too smart; some girls like a touch, but others don't even like the sound of the wind on the first date. Use your hands to emphasize conversations, touch your chin or just have it because of your flirt. A large, well-groomed hand says a lot about the type of man in front of it.

Don't be rude:

Girls who like bad men are an old-fashioned myth. Now what is carried are the men who put themselves in women's shoes, listening and sharing. Attentive! Do not fall into being too cakey because you will bore the girl, and she will run away. He wants to take her to bed, not be her best friend.

The half-smile is better than the laugh: if the situation turns out to be funny, it is always a point in your favor. The best option to be funny without being rude is not to go overboard with the laugh or the easy (or macho) joke. On the one hand, you will be fatal, and on the other, you can be offended. A half-smile is always much sexier and more manly.

A picture is worth a thousand terms: it's true. Men who take care of themselves are increasingly liked, those who know how to choose their clothes well, and those who, despite their three-day beard, are perfectly shaved. Take care of your image. They are the alphabet letters of your body language.

A Goddess Of Eroticism

If women are looking for a sensitive and manly, and protective man, they want a tigress in bed and an elegant and discreet woman on the street. The gestures that will take a man to the garden are:

Make him feel like he's in control - Guys love to think they're in control. Take a few seconds before making a decision and let him expose it; on the topic of conversation, the first course, or where you will have a drink. In the end, even if you choose, he will grow up showing more open and true. It will allow you to get to know the person in front of you better. Tangled with hair: there is no better weapon of Seduction than a woman's hair. He was gently stroking it or curling between your fingers. They will love this sexy yet demure way of flirting.

Pamper yourself a lot: caressing your body is a sign that you love skin-to-skin rubbing. His sexual character reaches the subconscious that will burn with passion for being the one who can touch you. Basic instinct: even though doctors and mothers always tell us not to cross our legs because of varicose veins ... Do a cross-over from time to time to the more 'Basic Instinct' type! Imagination is much more erotic than indiscretion.

Seductive lips: bite your lips, but watch the way you do it. You can look like a wolf if the bite is sharp or too aggressive ... they will run away.

The Unconscious Signals That Show That You Attract Her

His eyes, body movements, and the way he smiles at you are symbols that he likes you. Mindful of body language

"Oh, God, don't make me misunderstood," sang the Animals in "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood," a phrase that millions of women and men from all over the world could utter during their nights out in search of the company of another sex or a mere time of fun when despite putting all the effort possible, communication between both sexes regarding flirting is so complicated that it leads to violent situations ("I thought you liked it"), if not directly humiliating for the one who has dared to step forward. So, we need to be armed with a little pocket guide to decipher our potential partners' intentions and avoid those traumatic episodes that we have all experienced. Is such a thing possible? The truth is that women are much more difficult to decipher than men: as Peter Hutchinson points out in an article distributed in The Telegraph, his coach Jo Hemmings had reminded him that the signs that men emit to show their interest in the other sex there are barely ten, while in the women's repertoire there are about 50 different ones, much more subtle and, therefore, less obvious to the naked eye. Leaning forward is a posture that indicates that we are interested in the other person. But this does not determine that it is completely impossible to anticipate the other person's intentions. Proxemics, which the anthropologist Edward T. Hall used to talk about the distances that separate people in different social situations, can help us understand it. Also, kinesics (the meaning of body movements) or the analysis of body language, since books such as The Body Language of Flirting, Dating and Romance (Gestech Publications) by Raymond C. McGraime, Secrets of Sexual Body Language (Amorata Press) by Martin Lloyd-Elliott or Body Language Secrets: A Guide During Courtship & Dating (Steel Balls) by R. Don Steele. From all this bibliography, we discover a series of signs that we must pay attention to if we want to know that woman's intentions that interests us.

—If she preps in front of you. Pushing the hair out of the face, licking the lips to hydrate them, or putting on Vaseline or lipstick are attitudes at first unconscious that suggest that the woman is interested in the other person, so she is quick to make sure that her look is flawless. Does your suitor not mind that you see her disheveled, dressed in any way, and without makeup? Bad news.

Suppose she leans your body towards you. When we sit at the table in a restaurant or next to a bar counter, leaning towards the other person indicates that we are receptive to what they have to offer us. If, on the contrary, we lean back (let alone cover our faces or place our arms in front of us), we will be adopting a reserved and distant attitude.

Suppose her feet point to you. We tend to adopt postures in which our feet are directed towards that area of the room to which we want to go. This means that pointing your feet at another person means that you are curious about them, but if your potential partner has turned their feet to the door of the bar, it is because they want to shoot out as soon as possible. Dolls are one of the most sensitive parts of the female body.

If you move your lips, one of the unconscious signs of courtship for women is moving their lips or drawing your attention to them through a long series of actions, ranging from simple "sniffing" to continue drinking from a glass, going through chewing of slow way.

Suppose you roll up your arms. Jo Hemmings points out that the wrists are one of the most sensitive parts of a woman's body and that rolling up the sleeves indicates that a particularly intimate part of her is being exposed (although it may not seem like it). The nudity of the forearms may be only the first step on the path to total nudity.

If your pupils are dilated, when a person feels sympathy or interest in something or someone, their pupils automatically begin to dilate. So, in addition to making ever-helpful eye contact to build rapport, the eye test can help us find out whether or not a woman is interested in us. —If your breasts show you. Let's explain this, as we don't want it to lead to confusion. As with dolls, the breasts are among the most sensitive parts of the female body and, specifically, one of the most suitable for protection. This means that, while crossing the arms in front of them is a symptom of the need for protection, presenting a body posture in which the chest stands out to the eye shows us the way forward.

If she raises her eyebrows , it is a gesture that indicates that we have our eyes open to what we have in front of us and that we are curious and predisposed. Of course, there is one exception: raising the eyebrows occurs in response to an indecent proposal. In that case, it does not mean interest. It means that you must go back where you came from.

When you do not look away in short distances, one of the questions makes every man lose sleep: When to launch into kissing a woman while minimizing the risk that she will withdraw her face when doing so? Some experts point out that it is relatively permissible to launch if two factors are met. The first, that the distance between the two faces is close; that is, you have exceeded the limits of what is socially acceptable with a friend or partner. Second, that the gaze between the two of you is maintained for a more or less prolonged period without either looking away; see if he makes strategic moves to get to your side.

If she imitates you, we end up adopting the same gestures as those we consider interesting, influential, or seductive. If we see ourselves reflected in the woman we are interested in, we are surely on the right track. It can also happen when, for example, we grasp the fork or the glass at the same time. Be careful, though: it may be that you are simply hesitating.

If she touches you in a non-sexual way , it is understood because then why would we need this advice? Proxemics points out that we tend to be closer to those people with whom we feel comfortable - so see if in a bar they make strategic movements to be next to you - and we want to establish a relationship, at the same time that we avoid gestures such as cross our arms (if this happens, you have no chance).

When you win in comparison, perhaps all the above points do not speak for themselves, as it may be that a woman is outgoing enough to do all of the previously listed with any man who crosses your path. To see how he behaves with others and think about how he behaves with you. Maybe it's just like that; maybe you've succeeded.

Non-verbal Signs That Scream "I'm Not Dominant. "And How To Avoid It!

What do you think makes a guy more attractive to girls? It is the impression that you are a dominant man, in a good way. And no, you don't have to snort, scratch, and slap women like a caveman to demonstrate dominance ... nor should you! You transport your dominant male state by simply acting in the way that dominant males do, consciously controlling the non-verbal signals they send out, thus creating an impression on the female that you are Alpha. This technique is called the association principle. Within a woman's mind, you associate yourself with desirable masculine traits while casting off the undesirable "good guy" traits.

This is how magicians act. On stage, the magician carefully controls the impression he makes on the audience. By diverting the audience's attention to things they associate with magic — like his wand — he prevents the audience from noticing the things that would make him appear non-magical: the fact that he is using his hand to do the trick! Similarly, you can use the direction of the impression to control what the woman thinks of you. And here's some really good news for you: by adopting the proper mindset discussed in this guide, you will eventually grow up to be a full alpha male. And you can start walking in that direction today by choosing the behavior of an alpha male.

So what is domination? It is the social control that comes from being successful. As you go through self-improvement, you will internalize the concepts in this book and become an alpha male in the future. Right now, learn to act like an alpha male, giving the impression of dominance using your voice, your eyes, your demeanor, and your posture.

Your gaze is the first non-verbal signal that tells people that you are an alpha male. A dominant man is not afraid to stare at people. By looking away, you communicate submission. When you look down, you communicate shyness, shame, and a sense of low status. When you're speaking, there is no boundary to how much eye contact you can perform. Studies have revealed that the more eye contact the speaker makes, the more dominant the person is perceived.

However, when you are the one listening, the opposite happens: the less you look at the other person speaking, the more dominant you become. (It has been wondered why adults say to children, "Look at me when I'm talking to you?" It is a way of reinforcing the adult's dominance over the child.)

Of course, you do not want to be above the woman and think that you look at her from below. If you are perceived as too dominant, then start to suffer from her dislike. So give your eyes a break from time to time.

Another indicator of dominance is your voice. Assertive people control the dialogue. They also speak in a sarcastic voice and are not afraid to interrupt another person. Researches have shown that using a soft, quiet voice gives the impression that you are not assertive. When you converse, try to let your words run and not be afraid to say what's on your mind. People who hesitate and get stuck are perceived as less powerful than those who don't.

Look at their mannerisms and behaviors. Try to avoid the following non-verbal indicators of beta status:

1) Use "ah" and "um," partial sentences and incomplete words . Studies have shown that people consider those who speak well to be lacking confidence and not very bright. It is a sign of nervousness. The reason we say "um" is because we are afraid of being interrupted by another person. Instead, don't be scared to pause for effect. Hesitating before important points will make you appear more competent, and people will remember what you say.

2) talking too fast . This gives the impression that you are feeling anxious and have low self-confidence. A normal and comfortable conversation is in a moderate range of 125 to 150 words per minute. Slow down!

3) Speaking in a monotonous voice, also known as stuttering . People with a narrow range of tone are seen as shy, uninteresting, and lacking in confidence. So vary its hue, and it will be perceived as an alpha.

4) Pausing too long before answering a question . This indicates that you are overthinking his answer, which makes him seem indecisive. It will also appear that you are trying too hard to win the other person's approval.

5) Closed postures. An alpha spreads his arms and legs out and is open . When standing, you can reinforce your body language by hooking your thumbs into your back pockets.

6) Keep your hands in front of you . This is a defensive gesture. Instead, be open and vulnerable. (You are vulnerable because you are not afraid.) Let your arms relax and remain open. No one's going to hit him, so why does he need to crash?

7) Play with your fingers or hands . When you are at the table in front of someone, there is a natural inclination to play with the sugar packets or wrappers with your fingers. Do not do it. And don't hit the table with your fingers - women hate that.

8) Touching her face while speaking . This indicates that you are overthinking, indecisive, or shy. To confer confidence, hold your hands together in a needle shape in front of your chest or face. (Many teachers do this when they are lecturing.) Another pose that will help you when you need a great display of confidence is to hold their hands on their hips. Police officers do this when they need to establish authority over criminal suspects.

9) Bend or cross your arms in front of you . On unique occasions, it is reasonable to fold your arms into an alpha shape (see Brad Pitt in Fight Club for a simple example of this), but as a general rule, avoid it.

10) Stiff or stooped posture . An alpha male has a relaxed position, whether he is standing or sitting. Let go and relax.

11) downward gaze . Alpha men hold their heads high. It is a show of enthusiasm, energy. Looking at the ground conveys the "loser" message. Lift your chin. Expose your neck — don't worry, no one is going to strangle you! Look at the person you are talking to; remember what I said about using your gaze.

12) Nervous facial gestures . Such as licking, he was pursuing or biting lips, sharply pinching your nose. An alpha keeps a relaxed face and mouth because he is not afraid of anything or anyone.

13) smile excessively . Primate studies have shown that beta males will smile more to signify their innocence to stronger males. Beta humans smile to show they are not a threat. The Alpha, however, only smiles when there is something to smile about. And yes — he can be a threat.

14) Walk briskly as part of your normal walk . Instead, walk a little more gradually than normal, almost like you're bragging. You are Alpha — no one is chasing you, and you are not rushing to please anyone. If you're not in a rush to get somewhere, walk around as if you're relaxed and confident. Think: "I am the man. I can make any woman happy".

15) Walk only with your legs . Don't be afraid to push your torso and arms. Try this: walk as you've just had incredible success and feel on top of the world. Watch what you do with your body. You may be moving your arms along with your shoulders and having a slight jump in your stride. Now, do it all the time.

16) Slack posture . You don't have to put up with standing uncomfortably straight, but you do have to push your shoulders back. Watch Brad Pitt in any of his movies for examples of how to keep your back straight comfortably.

17) blink a lot . Instead, blink slowly. Don't close your eyes awkwardly. Just allow your kids to relax. Let them drop a bit. Don't make insect eyes.

18) Alternate your eyes from side to side when speaking . That is very beta. When you are in a conversation and are speaking, stare into the other person's face. Nonverbally, this communicates that you are saying something important and worth listening to.

19) Maintaining too much eye contact when the other person speaks . Ignore the advice books that tell you to maintain continuous eye contact. The non-stop eye contact makes him seem needy, socially retarded, and frankly like a weirdo. Instead, allow your eyes to stray and then stare into her eyes. Look through it rather than at it. From extensive testing, I have found that staring at a woman about two-thirds of the time is optimal. By the way, just keep your gaze when she's saying something genuinely interesting to you. On the other hand, focus on another part such as your breasts, hair, things that happen around you, etc.

20) Uncomfortable eyes . The bottom line is that your eyes should be happy, relaxed, assertive, and sexual.

21) Look down or to the side before answering a question from a woman . If you need to look away before answering to think about the answer, look up and to the side. Studies have shown that this shows more confidence.

22) fear touching a woman . Be safe and confident when touching a woman - any nervousness can be fatal to your relationships with her. Be Alpha and physically move it when you need it. Hold her hand to guide her, etc. Be gentle — if you use too much pressure, it reveals your insecurity. (Since you're Alpha, she's sure to follow, there's so no need to be anything other than playful and cuddly.) It's natural to touch other people, like when you're emphasizing a point. So let the love flow!

23) Quickly turn your head when someone wants your attention . Instead, perform movements that you would do at home — slow and relaxed. You are not waiting for the call of others. You are the Alpha, don't forget.

24) Use long, twisted phrases . Alphas keep the conversation short and get to the point. If you tend to use long sentences, separate them.

Don't feel bad if you inevitably slip and use one of these non-verbal cues from time to time. Nobody is perfect, lest he is hard on himself, especially when talking to a woman. Let it go and keep the conversation going.

When you think too much about such things that while speaking, you start to doubt, and when that happens, you feel vulnerable and afraid and start to hesitate. Instead, work on remaining indifferent and sincere at all times.

It is enough to easily be informed of how you communicate nonverbally through everything you do. Being aware means that you will start to avoid negative communication much more from now on.

Practicing the Body Language of an Alpha Male

Look at a man with high status - Brad Pitt, George Clooney, or the President of the company where you work - and you will notice that they move differently than the rest of us. They give off vibes that they are phenomenal, and for that reason, women squirt for them.

You, too, can perform that aura that makes you beautiful to women.

Have you ever regarded the way your friends look when they feel like shit? They stare at the ground with their arms crossed, their shoulders slumped and emitting other non-alpha behaviors.

Now think about the successful bastards. They bring all the old ladies around them, and some go around with motherly body language.

Here are a few points for body language (which, by the way, if you think it's easy, you're correct ... you can make these changes as fast as tonight and have the horniest old ladies clamoring for your attention.)

1) relax . This is the most remarkable state of mind you should be in.

A) Do not feel worried .

Let your worries go as you cannot solve any problem by worrying. So don't suck, and stop thinking about what's wrong. Just live the crazy life.

Now, I know that it is easier said than done (I used an old phrase, but relevant in this case). You have spent your entire life now emphasizing the thoughts that make you feel most worried.

But what is that emotion that we call "worry?" When you think about it, it is simply the fear of what might happen in the future. You are essentially punishing yourself by feeling upset before bad things happen. So there is no logical sense to worry!!

So pollution is avoiding your worrying thoughts at all costs. Identify them for what they are - toxic to your emotional states - and let them go.

Simply NOT emphasizing negative results that make you feel upset will reduce your worries by 90%.

B) Breathe through your abdomen, preferably of your chest .

When you breathe, imagine that you are bringing air into your stomach. Feel your belly swell and deflate when you breathe.

C) Avoid non-verbal behaviors that are contrary to relaxation :

+ Elevate your shoulders.

+ Wrinkle your forehead

+ Nervously moving your hands or legs.

+ Tighten your facial muscles.

D) Relax your muscles and slow down all your movements .

Alpha males generally move slowly, as if in control of time. Beta males are nervous and make awkward movements. Imagine that you are standing and walking in a pool, where your movements are slow and fluid.

E) Relax your eyes and your eyelids .

Beta males keep their eyelids wide open because they are so nervous. His eyes flicker. Instead, let your eyelids rest. Look straight ahead. Only pay consideration to things if they interest you. While you are out and about, make the affirmation, "I am Sexual, I am Relaxed, I am in Control."

F) If someone requires your attention, move your head slowly .

A common trait among quite a few Beta males is, so eagerness to please that you see them turn their heads towards the other person strangely quickly when someone calls out to them.

2) Feel Masculine and Powerful .

Visualize that you are a masculine man. Do the things in your life that make you feel manly, like lifting weights and exercising with a punching bag. Watch your health.

3) Realize that you are a man of great value .

Focus on your classes and ignore your needs. To be completely confident, think things like, "I'm the mere dick, I'm a Chingón, everyone peels me."

Sound arrogant? See it as a therapy to overcome your lack of security. You will want to moderate yourself at some point once you have become successful and know that you are amazing (so that you don't act like an asshole), but until then, constantly think about your greatness.

Treat people as if they respect you even before you meet them. If you have to, visualize Elvis Presley: "Thank you, thank you very much ..."

4) Be comfortable in your skin .

An Alpha male is smiling with or without a particular female, as he regards women as the source of fun in his life - no more, no less. Take the attitude that, of course, women love you, but it's not a big deal either way.

5) Extend your body .

Take up your space with your arms, legs, and chest. Keep your neck aligned with your back so that your head is held high.

(Something that served me to get used to having my neck aligned was removing the pillow from my bed. After all, it is more challenging to have optimal posture when your neck is bent for 8 hours each night).