The Rational Male - Rollo Tomassi 2013
I hate the term ’Mixed Signals’ or ’Mixed Messages’. More often than not there’s nothing ’Mixed’ being communicated and rather it’s a failure (willful or not) to read what a
woman is communicating to a man. The average guy tends to ’get’ exactly what a woman has implied with her words, but it takes practice to read her behavior and then more
practice in self-control to apply it to his own interpretation.
When a woman goes from hot to cold and back again, this IS the message — she’s got buyers remorse, you’re not her first priority, she’s deliberating between you and what she perceives is a better prospect, you were better looking when she was drunk, etc. — the message isn’t the ’what ifs’, the message IS her own hesitation and how her behavior manifests it. Ten dates before sex? This IS the message. Canceling dates? Flaking? Strong interest to weak interest? This IS the message.
Women with high interest level (IL) wont confuse you.
When a woman wants to fuck you she’ll find a way to fuck you. If she’s fluctuating between being into you and then not, put her away for a while and spin other plates. If she sorts it out for herself and pursues you, then you are still playing in your frame and you maintain the value of your attention to her. It’s when you patiently wile away your time wondering what the magic formula is that’ll bring her around, that’s when you lean over into her frame. You need her more than she needs you and she will dictate the terms of her attentions.
What most guys think are ’mixed messages’ or confusing behavior coming from a woman is simply due to their inability (for whatever reason) to make an accurate interpretation of why she’s behaving in such a manner. Usually this boils down to a guy getting so wrapped up in a single, solitary girl that he’d rather make concessions for her behavior than see it for what it really is. In other words, it’s far easier to call it ’mixed messages’
or fall back on the old chestnut of how fickle and random women are, when in fact it’s
simply a rationale to keep themselves on the hook, so to speak, because they lack any real, viable, options with other women in their lives.
A woman that has a high IL in a guy has no need (and less motivation) to engage in behaviors that would in any way compromise her status with him. Women of all ILs will shit test men, and men will pass or fail accordingly, but a test is more easily recognizable when you consider the context in which they’re delivered.
More often than not women tell the complete truth with their actions, they just
communicate it in a fashion that men can’t or wont understand. As a behaviorist, I’m a firm believer in the psychological principal that the only way to determine genuine motivation and/or intent is to observe the behavior of an individual. All one need do is compare behavior and the results of it to correlate intent. A woman will communicate vast wealths of information and truths to a man if he’s only willing to accept her behavior, not exclusively her words, as the benchmark for what she’s relating. He must also understand that the truth she betrays in her behavior is often not what he wants to accept.
We get frustrated because women communicate differently than we do. Women communicate covertly, men communicate overtly. Men convey information, women convey feeling. In relating information, men prioritize content, women prioritize context.
One of the great obfuscations fostered by feminization in the last quarter-century is this expectation that women are every bit as rational and inclined to analytical problem solving as men. This is the result of an equalist mentality that misguides men into believing that women communicate no differently than men. That’s not to discount women as proficient problem solvers in their own right, but it flies in the face how women set about a specifically feminine form of communication.
Scientific study after study illustrating the natural capacity women have for exceptionally complex forms of communication (to the point of proving their neural pathways are wired differently) are flags proudly waved by a feminized media as proof of women’s innate merits, yet as men, we’re expected to accept that she “means what she says, and she says what she means.” While more than a few women like to wear this as a badge of some kind of superiority, it doesn’t necessarily mean that what they communicate is more important, or how they communicate it is more efficient — just that they have a greater capacity to understand nuances of communication than do men.
One of the easiest illustrations of this generational gender switch is to observe the
communication methods of the “strong” women the media portray in popular fiction today. How do we know she’s a strong woman? The first cue is she communicates in an overt, information centered, masculine manner. She communicates like a man.
You don’t need to be psychic to understand women’s covert communication, you need to be observant. This often requires a patience that most men simply don’t have, so they write women off as duplicitous, fickle or conniving if the name fits. Even to the Men that are observant enough, and take the needed mental notes to really see it going on around them, it seems very inefficient and irrational.
And why wouldn’t it? We’re Men. Our communications are (generally) information based, deductive and rational, that’s Men’s overt communication. Blunt, to the point, solve the problem and move on to the next. Feminine communication seems insane; it is a highly dysfunctional form of communication….,to be more specific, it’s a childish form of communication. This is what children do! They say one thing and do another. They throw temper tantrums. They react emotionally to everything.
Yes, they do. And more often than not, they get what they’re really after — attention. Women are crazy, but it’s a calculated crazy. Covert communication frustrates us every bit as much as overt communication frustrates women. Our language has no art to it for them, that’s why we seem dumb or simple at best to women. We filter for information to work from, not the subtle details that make communication enjoyable for women.
This is the same reason we think of feminine communication as being obfuscating,
confusing, random, even when it seems they are making earnest attempts to clearly relate their intent. The difference is that our confusion and frustration is put to their ultimate use. So long as women remain unknowable, random, irrational creatures that men can’t hope to understand (but can always excuse), they can operate unhindered towards their goals.
“Silly boy, you’ll never understand women, just give up” is exactly the MO. Once you accept this, she’s earned a lifetime of get-out-of-jail-free cards. The myth of the
’Feminine Mystique’ and a woman’s prerogative (to change her mind) is entirely
dependent upon how adept she is in using this covert communication.
Now as Men we’ll say, “Evil, immoral, manipulative woman! Shape up and do the right thing, saying one thing then doing another makes you a hypocrite!” and of course this is our rational nature overtly making itself heard in exposing a woman’s covert communication. An appeal to morality, that’ll get her, but, doesn’t. This is because women
instinctively know that their sexuality is their first, best agency, and covert communication is the best method to utilize it.
Appeals to morality only work in her favor, because all she need do is agree with a Man’s overt assessment of her and suddenly he thinks he’s ’getting through to her’. As Men, we have become so conditioned by the Feminine Mystique to expect a woman to be
duplicitous with us that when she suddenly leans into masculine communication forms and resorts to our own, overt communication method and agrees with us, it seems she’s had an epiphany, or a moment of clarity. “Wow, this one’s really special, ’high quality’, and seems to get it.” That is so long as it suits her conditions to do so. When it doesn’t, the Feminine Mystique is there to explain it all away.
Have you ever been in a social setting, maybe a party or something, with a girlfriend or even a woman you may be dating and seemingly out of the blue she says to you privately, “ooh, did you see the dirty look that bitch just gave me?!”
You were right there in her physical presence, saw the girl she was talking about, yet didn’t register a thing. Women’s natural preference for covert communication is recognizable by as early as five years of age. Women prefer to fight in the psychological, whereas boys fight in the physical.
Within their own peer group, little girls fight for dominance with the threat of ostracization from the group. “I wont be your friend anymore if,..” is just as much a threat to a girl as “I’m gonna punch you in the face if,..” is to a boy. This dynamic becomes much more complex as girls enter puberty, adolescence and adulthood, yet they still use the same psychological mode of combat.
Their covert way of communicating this using innuendo, body language, appearance, subcommunications, gestures, etc. conveys far more information than our overt, all on the table, way of communicating does. It may seem more efficient to us as Men, but our method doesn’t satisfy the same purpose.
Women enjoy the communication more than the information being transferred. It’s not a problem to be solved, it’s the communication that’s primary. When a chump supplies her with everything all at once we think, yeah, the mystery is gone, he’s not a challenge anymore, why would she be interested? This is true, but the reason that intrigue is gone is because there’s no more potential for stimulating that need for communication or her imagination.
Lastly I should add that women are not above using overt communication when it serves their purposes. When a woman comes out and says something in a fashion so as to leave no margin for misinterpretation, you can bet she’s been pushed to that point out of either fear or sheer exasperation when her covert methods wont work.
“Can’t we just be friends?” is a covert rejection, “Get away from me you creep!!” is an overt rejection. When a woman opts for the overt, rest assured, she’s out of covert ideas. This is an easy example of this, but when a woman cries on you, screams at you, or issues an ultimatum to you she is powerless to the point of having to come over to your way of communicating her frustration.
Likewise, men can and do master the art of covert communications as well. Great politicians, military leaders, businessmen, salesmen to be sure, and of course master PUAs all use covert communications to achieve their goals. It’s incorrect to think of covert communication as dishonest or amoral, or even in a moral context. It’s a means to an end, just as overt communication is a means to an end, and that end whether decided by men or women is what’s ethical or unethical.
The Medium is the Message
To be sure, relationship Game (or married Game) varies widely in application compared to the Game used in single-man-sex-life, but the foundational principles are essentially the same — as are the pitfalls — only the risks are higher and the rewards negligible by comparison.
Having experienced the ups and downs of single-man-sex-life as well as married-man-sex-life, I can honestly say that I’ve never found Game more necessary than when it’s within the context of marriage. I’ve also written volumes about the all-risk proposition of marriage for men, and women’s utter inability to appreciate the all-risk sacrifices men assume in committing to marriage. So it should be obvious that under such conditions if a man chooses to entertain a lifestyle of marriage the only acceptable condition is that it be within his frame and his terms. And this, gentlemen, requires not only an internalized commitment to Game itself, but an understanding of, and an internalization of a much tighter Game than would be necessary in single-man-sex-life.
Higher risks mean less margin for error.
In your single-man-sex-life Game, you have the leisure to Spin Plates, drop the ones which don’t produce dividends, and non-exclusively enjoy the ones who do. Though it may pain you to lose a particular girl as the result of fumbled Game, or to miss the opportunity of experiencing a woman due to a failed approach or consolidation, it pales in comparison to the risks inherent in lacking the long-term Game necessary to contend with women’s hypergamy in the context of marriage.
Dumping a girl (or getting dumped) when single may be an emotional ordeal for some guys, but the decay of a marriage and the financial, familial and emotional consequences for lacking Game in marriage is a punishment that will make a single man’s break up tears seem like a blessing. Tight relationship Game means much more than just getting your wife to fuck you more regularly after the honeymoon.
A lot of men will respond that marriage is just not worth all that contextualization of Game, and they’d be right. It’s all risk with negligible reward / appreciation and the
liabilities are too steep. Furthermore, there’s a contingent of men who’ll say that it’s
impossible to perpetuate the solid Game necessary to assuage female hypergamy
indefinitely — and they’d be right too, if all Game was is a constant act for them that
they felt they had to keep up forever.
Some guys get mad at just the suggestion that they’d need to Game their potential wives. “She should just love me for who I am!” They expect to be able to drop the Game, relax and be who they are, only to have their wives progressively convert them into their
imagined ideal which really isn’t the guy who tingles their vaginas. Then they find out that their wives loved them for who they were.
When the lines of communication are broken between you and your wife or girlfriend, you aren’t going to get a message that the lines of communication are broken. That’s what the lines of communication being broken means. When she checks out of the relationship, she doesn’t tell you because she’s checked out of the relationship. That’s what being checked out of the relationship means.
I usually have to control my laughter whenever I overhear an AFC in the crab barrel parrot back the Matrix-speak about how “good relationships are all about communication with your girlfriend/wife.” When this is coming from a single guy I can at least partially excuse him for lack of any practicable experience, but when it comes from a married Plug-In it’s just evidence of the totality of his conditioning. Most guys who tell you this are repeating what their girl-friends always told them was the most important key to a good relationship, but as with everything femme there’s always a latent purpose underneath the veneer of aphoristic truth they sell themselves.
I was once at a liquor event with my usual ’pour girls’ and during our conversations one tells me about her ’guy problems’ with a “clingy boyfriend” obviously on the down end of an SMV imbalance.
“It’s so frustrating Rollo, why can’t guy’s just get it?”
With a practiced, but cute, little wrinkle of her nose, and the huff of her $5,000 tits, my girl had just indirectly revealed one of the most vexing complexities of intergender
communication — women want men to “just get it.”
Just Get It
The guy with the capacity to call a woman’s bluff with a confidence that implies she is to be worthy of him rather than the other way around is the Man to be competed for.
Essentially the ’chick speak’, ’chick advice’ phenomenon is a shit test writ large on a social scale. And even your own mother and sisters are in on it, expecting you to ’get it’; to get the message and see the challenge for what it really is, without overtly telling you.
She wants you to ’get it’ on your own, without having to be told how. That initiative, and the experience needed to have had developed it, makes you a Man worth competing for. Women despise a man who needs to be told to be dominant, told to be confident, told to be anything they have on their list of prerequisites for their intimacy. Overtly relating this to a guy entirely defeats his credibility as a genuinely dominant male. The guy she wants to fuck is dominant because that’s ’the way he is’ instead of who she had to tell him to be.
Observing the process will change it. This is the root function of every shit test ever
devised by a woman.
If masculinity has to be explained to a man, he’s not the man for her.
In my Pour Girl’s example we see this ’get it’ paradox from the single-man-sex-life perspective, but due the risks and punishments inherent to marriage, it is even more
important in the married-man (or LTR) -sex-life perspective. Many men will complain that they hate the presumption that they need to be a mind reader and ideally women ought to just communicate overtly and directly — just as a reason-based man would
communicate. The problem is that in doing so it changes the dynamic for hypergamy.
As I’ve stated so often, women say they want the truth, but they never want full
disclosure. Hypergamy will not be pandered to, and will not be negotiated with.
This is why the “communication is everything” meme has been responsible for the demise of more relationships than anyone will ever admit. It’s not that you communicate, it’s what you’re communicating and how you communicate it. I’ve counseled more men than I care to recount who’ve sobbed from the depths of their souls, “IF SHE’D JUST TELL ME WHAT I HAVE TO DO TO MAKE HER LOVE ME I’D DO IT!” not realizing that their very verbalization of that, and a belief in open, rational communication, is the very thing that’s killing (or killed) their woman’s desire for him.
A cardinal truth of the universe is that genuine desire cannot be negotiated. The moment you tell your wife, your girlfriend, that you will exchange a behavior or attitude or belief or any other compromise for her desire you fundamentally change her organic desire
into obligation.
What she wants, what her hypergamy wants confirmation of, can never be explicated, it can only be demonstrated. If her desire is for you to be more dominant, her telling you to be so negates the genuineness and the validity of your becoming so. Again, observing a process will change it — on a limbic level of consciousness her innate hypergamy is aware of that truth.
She wants a man who knows he needs to be dominant with her, that is the confirmation of hypergamy.
Dijo sin hablar — Told without speaking.
Communicate with your behavior. Never overtly tell a woman anything. Allow her to come to the conclusions you intend. Her imagination is the best tool in your Game toolbox. Learn how to use it.
This is the single greatest failing of average frustrated chumps: they vomit out everything about themselves, divulging the full truth of themselves to women in the mistaken belief that women desire that truth as a basis for qualifying for their intimacy or enduring
commitment. Learn this now:
Women NEVER want full disclosure.
Nothing is more self-satisfying for a woman than to think she’s figured a Man out based solely on her mythical feminine intuition (i.e. imagination).
When you blurt out your ’feelings’ or overtly make known your optionless status, regardless of the context or the nobility of your intent, all you do is deny her this satisfaction. And like an easily distracted child she discards you for another, more entertaining, toy that holds some kind of mystery or puzzle for her figure out.
Always remember, women care less about the content of what’s being communicated and more about the context (the how) of what’s being communicated. Never buy the lie that good communication is the key to a good relationship with out considering how and what you communicate. Women are naturally solipsistic. Your ’feelings’ aren’t important to her until you make them important for her.
Despite what any pop-psychologist has ingrained into you, communication is not the key to success in an LTR. It’s what and how it’s communicated that is. It seems counterintuitive to deliberately withhold information that you think would solve whatever problem you have. Since socially instituted feminization has taken root, every touchy-feely therapist will tell you to open up and express yourself, but all that leads to is the negotiation of desire and the disingenuous obligations based on those terms.
You cannot ’tell’ women anything, they must be led to your conclusion and be made to think that they are the ones coming to it with their own devices — preferably by way of her imagined feminine intuition. How you effect this is subject to your own situation with your LTR or your prospective woman, but understand that internalizing the idea that she can be made to understand your perspective indirectly is the first step in ’real’ communication. Indirect communication is the foundation of effective Game.
You want to be a guy who ’Just gets it’?
Speak without speaking. Women would rather be objectified than idealized.
One of the best litmus tests for how unplugged a guy truly is how he reacts to the words of his idealized woman. I briefly covered this idea in the Self-Righteous AFC:
You see, when an AFC clings to the mental schema that make up an AFC mindset it requires a constant need for affirmation and reinforcement, particularly in light of their glaring lack of verifiable success with women while clinging to, and behaving in
accordance with the mindset. AFCs are crabs in a barrel — once one get to the top to climb out another drags him back in. The AFC needs other AFCs to affirm his blatantly obvious lack of success. He needs other AFCs to tell him, “don’t worry just be yourself” or “she’s just not a quality woman because she can’t see how great a guy you are.”
So when an AFC finally does get a second date and then finally does get laid it becomes the ultimate validation for his mindset. “See, you just have to be a nice guy and the right ONE really does come along.” This is when the self-righteous phase begins and he can begin telling his Game / PUA friends that he’s “getting some” now without all the
Positive Masculinity claptrap. In actuality he rationalizes away all of the conditions that lead up to him getting the girlfriend and the fundamental flaw that he’s settling for a woman “who’d fuck him”, but this doesn’t stop him from claiming a moral high-ground. His long wait is over and he’s finally hit pay-dirt.
This need for validation of a Beta Game mindset is very strong for guys — particularly when you consider a lifetime of being steeped in fem-centric conditioning. When you grow up in girl-world you want to believe the idealizations of women are actually attainable. This is what makes the ’red pill’ so hard to swallow; men truly want the fantasy, the romanticism and love, in the context girl-world presents it to them for so long, to really exist for them. This is what makes believing women’s individualized words, rather than their globalized behaviors, so seductive for men — even for Men who’ve become self-aware in the feminine Matrix.
Straight from the Horse’s Mouth
When a woman (or a man impersonating a woman) posts some self-description or
personalized experience about how they conform more to this idealization than to the “silly caricatures of bitter misogynists” online, this triggers an internal conflict for men.
Men want to believe that the exception to the rule could exist for them since it agrees with his initial social conditioning, but the learned, unplugged, conditioning he’s applying to see the forest for the trees, and factoring in women’s generalized, observable
behaviors, fights against this. Becoming Game-aware teaches Men that the medium is the message, but to varying degrees Men still want to believe that women are completely self-honest, rational agents, and completely cognizant of their internal motivations.
Eventually applied behaviorism puts the truth to this deception, but it’s very hard to let
go of that want for an easier answer.
In our ’plugged in’ years, men rely on the same deductive pragmatism with women that we use to solve most other problems. Our problem solving natures predispose us to identifying the elements of a problem to arrive at a solution. Even our neural wiring is designed to achieve this end, so it’s literally a ’no-brainer’ to want reliable, rational data on which to base our plan to solve a problem — in this case getting laid and receiving intimate approval from a woman. Thus our next question is “what do women want?”
What Women Want
I can remember asking this very question uncounted times in my plugged-in teenage years. Hindsight being what it is, I can only laugh now when I read teenage guys still
asking the same thing four generations later. It seems so intuitive and considerate of a woman’s sensibilities; guys think it presents the countenance that a man cares enough to create himself in her idealized image.
Women and girls naturally love to answer this question because it gives them a default authority, while at the same time feeds their attention needs. It’s such a popular topic that even rom-com movies are based on the question and the zany misunderstandings that result from men’s ridiculous attempts to understand the oh-so unknowable, mysterious natures of women’s true desires. Silly, silly men.
The truth is much simpler. Women either lack the awareness and self-honesty to acknowledge what it is about men that women in general (not just individualized to themselves) want, or they deliberately misdirect and evade men’s efforts to make deductive sense of their motivations because, in truth, they want a guy who ’gets it’ on his own without having to be told.
In either case, whether due to ignorance or duplicity, the secret of the ugly, cruel truth of female hypergamy is to be protected and obfuscated as women’s first priority. So important is keeping this truth from men that the feminine imperative must socialize it into women’s collective psyches. One of the great threats that Game theory represents to feminine primacy is revealing the truth, and the atrocities that result from feminine hypergamy.
What do women want? Maximized hypergamy with a man blissfully unaware of hypergamy. The perfect union of emotional investment, parental investment and provisional investment with her hypergamous nature.
However, men still want to believe that women earnestly want to communicate their intimate desires in an effort to make better men. We believe that women, the
emotional, erratic, dramatic, mysterious and romantic creatures of story are also
consistent, well-grounded pragmatists that rival men themselves and are only waiting for the man unique enough to listen to her. The more her story agrees with our mental construct of what women should want, the more we want to believe she exists. If she’s convinced of the story this is all the validation most men ever need — he got it from the source, a woman who confirmed the fantasy.
You know, I’m not quite sure if my readership is aware of this, but I’m a Prince.
No really, I’m a Prince (stop laughing), or at least that’s the expectation I’ve come to have others recognize in me after sifting through women’s online profiles on such fantastical dating resources such as Plenty of Whales Fish and OK U-Bid Cupid. But don’t think I’m such a rare bird, because amazingly enough, if you’re reading this book (or my blog), you’re probably a Prince too! And you didn’t even realize it did you?
You see, virtually all the women you encounter on these online dating resources are simply undiscovered, under-appreciated jewels in the rough. They’re Princesses, and goddammit they deserve to be treated as such. Just reading through each profile is like going on safari and encountering a virtual cornucopia of rare and exotic animals (kind of like a zoo), each meticulously described in encyclopedic detail of their uniqueness and rarity of finding. What mere mortal man could possibly deserve to touch such feminine refinery?
A few years ago the denizens of the SoSuave forum accidentally conducted one of the most humorous social experiments ever performed. A member by the handle of
Bonhomme was a frequenter of Plenty of Fish and noticed an interesting trend in women’s profiles. Though most of the women using online dating run the gamut from hopelessly fat to 2-drink fuckability, the one thing most had in common was an entirely overblown sense of self-worth to compliment their grossly overrated self-impression of their sexual market value (SMV for those of you playing the home game). This is nothing shocking for unplugged Men; the ’community’ has long held that social media and online Buffers work in tandem to convince a woman she’s 1 to 2 degrees higher on her SMV scale.
What hadn’t been studied up to then was the descriptors and qualifications that online women used in both their “list of demands” and their own self-evaluations, or
“the brochure of value added features” any man with common sense (see fem-centric conditioning) would ever be considered a ’Man’ for appreciating in a woman.
The following is an actual example pulled from a typical profile:
“Here is a well thought out idea of what kind of guy I am interested in… 5’10″ or taller, lives near by, compassionate, intelligent, giving, VERY Attractive (someone other than your mother or sister has said so, lol) and in shape, prefer self employed, FAMILY orientated, open to new spontaneous things, likes to camp, likes to golf, wants children, would be a good father and faithful husband, a gentleman, gives me my space when I need it, not a nerd or too sarcastic, can take a hint, social, calls for no reason, remembers sending a note or a nominal gift IS romantic and necessary, respectful, sense of humor, and thinks the world of me. I am not interested in anyone older than 41 and anyone who makes less money than me since I do not plan on changing the lifestyle I have grown accustom to and hope to one day be a stay at home mom and furthermore… my children will never want for ANYTHING (but of course will not be spoiled brats either lol). You should also love animals I am not attracted to red heads at all lol sorry.
Wow! A rare find indeed. Thank heaven for the internet in providing men such a valuable resource that we might encounter so rational and strong a woman as this. This is one common example, but by far the most common self-references women made involved the word “Princess” — “I’m a Princess waiting for my Prince” or “I’ll admit it, I’m a Princess, I just need to find a man who can appreciate that and treat me right.”
Well, far be it from Rollo J. Tomassi to deny these undiscovered royals their due!
Quickly I began to craft a cunning profile of my own; one which these pouting Princesses would surely recognize as that of none other than the Crown Prince of Man-dom. Using their own profile’s jingoisms and idioms as a template, I established an idealized persona, one that any woman worth her equalist “common sense” salt would instantly be irresistible to,…
“Here is a well thought out idea of what kind of gal I am interested in…5′ 5″ or taller, but not over 6 feet (because while I don’t mind being eye to eye with you, I won’t ever be looking up to you), lives close enough to be at my house within 10 minutes after I make the call, genuinely passionate, intelligent enough to be good company, sexually available (preferably insatiable) and VERY attractive — we’re talking Jessica Alba, Keyra
Augustina attractive — women with a body-fat percentage higher than 8% need not apply. Must be employed but not so well as you’ll interfere with our sexual activities, FAMILY oriented, but only after you’ve hit 30-33, open to spontaneous sex (you know, like outdoor stuff or a surprise 3 way with one of your hot girlfriends after our 2nd martini), likes to camp (in the nude), knows not to complain when I go play golf with the clients from work.
She must want children after 33 years of age if at all, and only after she’s proven to be a good mother and faithful wife, must be a lady with class and know when the right time is to speak and not to speak, not a prude or bitch, can take the first hint, sociable, unexpectedly texts me pictures of her wearing something new from Fredericks of Hollywood, understands that the best gift she can give me is expressing her desire to fuck me like a wild animal, and also understands that gifts for her are treats or rewards for desired behavior.
Must be respectful of my decisions being final, can’t take herself too seriously and thinks the world of me. I’m not interested in anyone over 31 (since this is most women’s expiration date anyway), she cannot have exorbitant spending habits or a credit debt load in excess of $1,000 since I do not plan on changing the lifestyle I have grown accustomed to and hope to one day be able to send my own children to college (rather than pay for your student debt), and furthermore… my children will be taught to reasonably earn their achievements on their own and respect the decisions of their Father and mother (and absolutely will not be spoiled brats either). I’m very attracted to redheads, blonds, brunettes, Caucasians, Latinas, Asians, African-Americans, Pacific Islanders, etc., pretty much any woman that meets my physical requirements. I am not attracted at all to even slightly fat women no matter how much “inner beauty” you think you may possess.
Hope to meet you soon, your Prince.”
There! What woman could possible fail to appreciate all of the qualities of a Prince based upon their very own template? Insidious, clever and witty. All I had to do was await what could only be a landslide of returned affection and positive responses. I contemplated how I would gently let down the poor cast off Princesses who failed to meet my humble criteria as the first response came in,…
“I read your profile, and is any of it serious?????”
A bit perturbed I reply,
“Why do you think it’s not serious? Am I not allowed to be a bit specific?”
“Sorry not about to put up with your kind of shit.”
Strange and yet strange again. Here I’d learned that self-confidence and assertiveness were traits women admired in the land of gender-equalism. Ah, perhaps this Princess was a bit jaded by such a dearth of qualified Princes at her disposal. I waited a bit more and was rewarded by a Princess called ’Lil Sweet Heart’ who’d randomly read my glowing self-description,..
“what a profile
see iam a strong willed person!!
i speak when i want to say what i want and when i want and the way ur profile sounds i dont we;d be a match and the part about raising a spoiled brat thats a hard one to over come depends what u see as spoiled sure my boys r a bit spoiled well a lot but thats the way i was raised and it did me no wrong my kids know that they have to work to earn their spending and treats but no reason why a parent cant buy something just because so maybe ur profile can off wrong but my feeling is not some one id wanna meet hmmmmm”
Egads! I respond,
“Honestly, I really tried to read your message to me, but all of the bastardized English and the run-on sentences made it virtually impossible to understand what you were trying to say.”
I do say. Whomever this royal child’s au pair was is deserving of a public flogging! The thought of so ill-preparing a Princess for courtly discourse with the Man who will one day be her King is inexcusable. Bah, the blazes with this one, I’ll be patient on another,..
“uh, yeah, i don’t think so. maybe your profile’s a joke (which would make it less sad), but i don’t find it amusing, not my sense of humour at all.and the fact that i’m even bothering to reply to say no, rather than just ignore you, should tell you how distasteful it is.happy hunting. (though you’d have better luck if you went back in time 100 years or so, have fun finding chics like that today)”
“After checking out your profile, you are one of the rudest people i’ve even encountered. In your dreams…”
Hmm, I was beginning to see a flaw in my profile design.
You see I had simply reworded the profile of my original Princess’ profile and changed the gender specific terms to the masculine, while adding a bit of my own desires to the outline of the ideal Princess I’d like to meet. After all, they all want to be treated like Princesses, I’m just asking to be treated like a Prince. But,..perhaps I’d been remiss in my waiting for the Princesses to respond to me. How unmanning of me! I would seek out my prize and pursue her. This profile caught my eye,…
“I am friendly, outgoing, generous, loyal, honest and adventurous. I work in a hospital. I also drive and have my own car.
I love to get my nails done every two weeks. I love fashion and style. I care about pop culture and social issues.
I have an IQ of 146. I am extremely intelligent and educated.
First Date: I dont want to meet Cheaters, users, players, haters, crumb bumbs, guys who want booty calls or fuk buddies… ya’ll dont let the door hit cha on the way out… I guess Im looking to meet someone around my own age, who is taller than me preferably caucasian, attractive, who likes to work out, has a unique, ghetto and sarcastic sense of humor like me.”
Well,..not the ideal prize I’d been seeking, but perhaps this was another jewel in the rough that just needed a bit of spit and polish. I respond in the affirmative to her brassy, assertive equalist nature. After reading my profile, she responds,..
“i mak emy own moneya nd pay for own 5hit.. and for someone with such high standards take a good look in the mirror becuz these girls aka jessica alba are way out of ur league… if u want someone who is hot at least BE hot urself!”
I found this confusing since I had no picture on my profile at this point. I’d have to
address that, but strange that the assumption was that my physical stature would
necessarily be inadequate for her. I respond,..
“Dear woman, for someone with such a high opinion of her intelligence your grammar, punctuation and syntax are far from reflecting this. You type like shite.”
What I’d found most entertaining about this whole affair is that these women somehow felt compelled to respond to the profile. As if it were so personal an affront to their
sensibilities that it should need their attention to correct, rather than simply move on to the next profile with indifference. Judging from the frequency and intensity of the responses, how many men do you suppose responded to the original woman’s profile with the same fervor?
One of the best ways to illustrate how insaturated feminization has become in society is to flip the gender script on certain gender-specific dynamics.
As funny as all this was, it serves to show that women live and operate in gender
assumptions that they simply take as normalized conditions. Were a Man to publicly expect the terms and demands for his own provisioning and intimate access that women demand without an afterthought, he’d be instantly accused of misogyny at worst, comedy at best. There are many more dynamics that illustrate this fem-centric normalization. My critics get fits of hysteria when I describe the acculturated, feminine-centric undercurrent operating in society. Girl-world is the only world for them, so pulling back the iron-veil of the feminine reality like this is usually a hard revelation. Ironically it’s the vitriol engendered in the responses to my reworded profile that prove the point.