5 Steps to a 5: AP Psychology - McGraw Hill 2021
Body Senses
7 Sensation and Perception
STEP 4 Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High
The body senses of kinesthesis and the vestibular sense provide information about the position of your body parts and your body movements in your environment. Close your eyes and touch your nose with your index finger. Kinesthesis is the system that enables you to sense the position and movement of individual parts of your body. Sensory receptors for kinesthesis are nerve endings in your muscles, tendons, and joints.
Your vestibular sense is your sense of equilibrium or body orientation. Your inner ear has semicircular canals at right angles to each other. Hairlike receptor cells are stimulated by acceleration caused when you turn your head. The vestibular sacs respond to straight-line accelerations with similar receptors. The combined activities of your vestibular sense, kinesthesis, and vision enable you to maintain your balance.