
Psychology: an introduction (Oxford Southern Africa) - Leslie Swartz 2011



Chapter 1: Finding out about people

MCQ answers:

1 = c, 2 = a, 3 = d, 4 = d, 5 = b, 6 = b, 7 = a, 8 = d, 9 = c, 10 = c

Short answers:

1.The information needed to answer this question may be found under ’Introduction’, starting on p. 3.

2.The information needed to answer this question may be found under ’Finding out about psychology’, starting on p. 6.

3.The information needed to answer this question may be found under ’Psychological terminology’, starting on p. 7.

4.The information needed to answer this question may be found under ’Ethics in psychology’, starting on p. 9.

5.The information needed to answer this question may be found in Box 1.3 ’A brief history of psychology’, starting on p. 11.

6.The information needed to answer this question may be found under ’Contemporary perspectives in psychology’, starting on p. 14.

Chapter 2: Research methods in psychology

MCQ answers:

1 = a, 2 = b, 3 = c, 4 = b, 5 = b, 6 = c, 7 = c, 8 = d, 9 = a, 10 = d

Short answers:

1.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 27 under ’Using variables in the design of a quantitative research study’.

2.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 38 under ’Measures of central tendency’. You should provide a different and appropriate example than the one provided in the text.

3.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 39 under ’Thematic analysis, narrative analysis and discourse analysis’.

4.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 41 under ’Finding errors’ and ’Finding bias’.

5.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 39 under ’Verification of qualitative data’.


Chapter 3: Early and middle childhood

MCQ answers:

1 = b; 2 = d; 3 = b; 4 = d; 5 = d; 6 = c; 7 = b; 8 = a; 9 = c; 10 = a

Short answers:

1.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 54 under ’The embryonic stage’, and on p. 55 under ’Maternal conditions’.

2.The information needed to answer this question may be found in Box 3.2 on p. 57.

3.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 57—58 under ’Perceptual development’. You should cite the research described in Box 3.1.

4.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 61—62 under ’Language development’ and in Box 3.4.

5.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 71—72 under ’Parenting styles’.

6.The information needed to answer this question may be found starting on p. 59 under ’Middle childhood’.

7.The information needed to answer this question may be found starting on p. 75 under ’Erikson’s psychosocial stage of development in middle childhood’.

8.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 73 under ’Play in the preschool years’.

Chapter 4: Adolescence, adulthood and aging

MCQ answers:

1 = b; 2 = a; 3 = a; 4 = a; 5 = d; 6 = c; 7 = c; 8 = b; 9 = c; 10 = a

Short answers:

1.When answering this question, you are expected to raise key areas of development and/or crises/conflicts that you have experienced in your own adolescence. Your answers should pick up on the key issues raised in the chapter and may therefore relate to individual changes and challenges, such as issues concerning sexuality, gender identity, and relationships with peers and families, or environmental challenges related to the impact of poverty, racism or gender inequalities in the South African context. Your answer should also reflect an understanding of physical, cognitive, emotional and interpersonal developmental change.

2.An answer to this question should consist of a brief overview of how traditional psychological theory has understood adolescence. You should then provide a subjective picture of your local community’s understandings and expectations of adolescence, and assess the relationship between the two. You should include in your answer some critical understanding of adolescence as a socially constructed, and therefore fluid, stage of development that is not universally common.

3.Your answer should show how HIV/AIDS may impact on adolescent development. Key issues to focus on include sexuality and risk-taking as well as gender. (For example, the imperative for adolescents, especially males, to take risks and be exploratory with respect to sexuality will clearly impact on adolescents’ vulnerability to infection.)

4.Your answer should refer to some of the information presented on p. 94 and should relate this to your own experience.

5.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 85—88 under ’Physical development’. It is important to note that the decline in physical attributes from early to late adulthood is determined by both biological and environmental factors.

6.The information needed to answer this question may be found under the three ’Health risks’ sections on pp. 86—88. It is important to note that many factors, including the progressive degeneration of the body, as well as socio-economic status and gender, influence the individual’s health status throughout adulthood.

7.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 90—91 under ’Cognitive development’.

8.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 97—98 under ’Marriage and partnerships’ and ’Parenthood’ and on p. 98 under ’Late adulthood’ and ’Family and social roles’) and in Box 4.8. You will need to integrate the relevant information from these sections into a critical reflection of how HIV/ AIDS has affected the social roles and responsibilities of adults.


Chapter 5: Theories of personality

MCQ answers:

1 = d, 2 = c, 3 = a, 4 = b, 5 = d, 6 = b, 7 = b, 8 = a, 9 = b, 10 = d

Short answers:

1.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 117 under ’The id, the ego and the superego structures’.

2.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 123—124 under ’The psychosocial stages of personality development’.

3.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 125—126 under ’Respondent behaviour’ and ’Operant behaviour’. Your answer to this question should not merely describe respondent behaviour and operant behaviour, but should clearly describe the difference/s between these two behaviours.

4.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 128—129 under ’Maslow’s view on personality development’.

5.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 131 under ’Modelling and observational learning’.

Chapter 6: Personality assessment

MCQ answers:

1 = d, 2 = d, 3 = d, 4 = d, 5 = d, 6 = b, 7 = b, 8 = a, 9 = d, 10 = c

Short answers:

1.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 144—148 under ’Ways to assess personality’. Your answer should not merely describe the three popular methods of assessing personality, but should include an indication of how these methods differ.

2.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 146, within Box 6.1.

3.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 149—150 under ’Reliability’. Your answer should begin by briefly defining ’reliability’; then you should choose three of the four types of reliability and describe them briefly.

4.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 150—151 under ’Validity’. Your answer should begin by briefly defining validity; then you should choose three of the four types of validity and describe them briefly.


Chapter 7: Biological and neuropsychology

MCQ answers:

1 = c; 2 = b; 3 = d; 4 = a; 5 = a; 6 = d; 7 = a; 8 = d; 9 = c; 10 = a

Short answers:

1.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 171 under ’Types of neurotransmitters’. You will need to select the three neurotransmitters involved in mood from the five described.

2.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 162 under ’The forebrain’. You will need to begin your answer by situating the limbic system within the forebrain, then go on to explain its function. Box 7.1 on p. 161 provides information about what would happen if this area were damaged.

3.See the Table on the next page.

4.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 164—165 under ’The left hemisphere and the right hemisphere of the brain’.

5.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 172—173 under ’The endocrine system’, and on pp. 168—169 under ’The transmission of nerve impulses’.

6.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 174—176 under ’Research methods in neuropsychology’.

7.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 174 under ’The early history of neuropsychology’.

Chapter 8: Sensation and perception

MCQ answers:

1 = b, 2 = d, 3 = a, 4 = a, 5 = d, 6 = a, 7 = c, 8 = c, 9 = b, 10 = a

Short answers:

1.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 187 under ’Discriminating between stimuli’. Your answer must focus on auditory stimuli.

2.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 192 under ’Colour vision’.

3.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 198 under ’Theories explaining how we hear pitch’. Your answer must not merely describe the two theories, but must provide an evaluation of the relative accuracy of each of them.

4.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 200—201 under ’Touch’.


Chapter 9: Learning and conditioning

MCQ answers:

1 = d, 2 = b, 3 = c, 4 = d, 5 = a, 6 = a, 7 = d, 8 = d, 9 = c, 10 = b


Answer to Chapter 7, Question 3.

Short answers:

1.This is an example of classical conditioning — the UCS (Nosipho’s parents leaving) is a stimulus that elicits an unconditioned response (crying) without previous conditioning. The conditioned stimulus or CS (the babysitter) is a previously neutral stimulus that has acquired the capacity to elicit a conditioned response through association with the UCS (parents leaving). The conditioned response or CR (crying to the babysitter) is a learnt reaction to a conditioned stimulus. Through repeated pairing of the parents leaving (UCS) and the babysitter arriving (CS) Nosipho has learnt that the arrival of her babysitter means her parents are leaving, thus she cries.

2.Albert Bandura outlined the theory of observational learning. In observational learning, vicarious conditioning occurs by an organism watching another organism (a model) being conditioned. Observational learning can occur for both classical and operant conditioning. In order for observational learning to take place, four key processes are at work. Firstly, the organism must pay attention to the model, retain the information observed, and be able to reproduce the behaviour. Then an observed response is unlikely to be reproduced unless the organism is motivated to do so, i.e., they believe there will be a pay off. According to Bandura, reinforcement influences which responses will be performed more, which then influences the acquisition of new responses.

3.a. US=food, UR=approach, CS=tin opener sound, CR=approach

b.US=stress caused by studying, UR=negative feelings, CS=bed, CR=negative feelings

c.US=pain from rubber band, UR=fear, CS=swearing, CR=fear while performing swearing

d.US=loud noise from dogs, UR=fear, CS=route, CR=fear from route

e.US=sad movie, UR=sad feelings, CS=bowl of chips CR=becoming weepy.

Chapter 10: Motivation and emotion

MCQ answers:

1 = b, 2 = b, 3 = d, 4 = c, 5 = a, 6 = c, 7 = b, 8 = d, 9 = c, 10 = b

Short answers:

1.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 224—225 under ’Introduction’.

2.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 227 under ’Homeostasis and brain mechanisms’.

3.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 228—229 under ’Types of motives’.

4.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 233 under ’Emotion — the other side of motivation’.

5.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 236—236 under ’Theories of emotion’.

Chapter 11: Thinking

MCQ answers:

1 = d, 2 = a, 3 = d, 4 = b, 5 = a, 6 = d, 7 = d, 8 = c, 9 = b, 10 = a

Short answers:

1.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 241—242 under ’Concepts’.

2.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 248 under ’Comparing the thinking of experts and novices’.

3.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 250—251 under ’Everyday thinking’, and on p. 246—247, within Box 11.3. Your answer will need to incorporate the socio-historical approach to thinking.

4.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 249, within Box 11.6.

5.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 244—245 under ’Piaget’s perspective on the development of thinking in childhood and adolescence’.

Chapter 12: Attention

MCQ answers:

1 = d, 2 = d, 3 = c, 4 = a, 5 = d, 6 = b, 7 = c, 8 = a, 9 = b, 10 = b

Short answers:

1.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 256—257 under ’Broadbent’s filter theory of attention’.

2.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 262 within Box 12.2.

3.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 261—262 under ’Early-selection models versus late-selection models of attention’.

4.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 262—263 under ’Top-down versus bottom-up control of attention’.

Chapter 13: Memory

MCQ answers:

1 = d, 2 = c, 3 = b, 4 = b, 5 = b, 6 = b, 7 = d, 8 = d, 9 = b, 10 = a

Short answers:

1.You should begin this answer by describing the shortcomings of STM. Thereafter compare the two memory models. The information you will need may be found on pp. 270—273 under ’Short-term and long-term memory’ and ’Working memory’.

2.The information that will help you to answer this question may be found on p. 274 under ’Meaning and memory’.

Chapter 14: Language

MCQ answers:

1 = b, 2 = a, 3 = b, 4 = d, 5 = d, 6 = c, 7 = a, 8 = c, 9 = b, 10 = c

Short answers:

1.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 284, within Box 14.1.

2.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 283 under ’Language and thought’.

3.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 286—289 under ’The components of language’, including ’Sounds’, ’Words’, ’Sentences’ and ’Pragmatic context’.

4.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 289—290 under ’The process of language acquisition’.

5.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 290—291 under ’Learning-theory accounts of language acquisition’.

Chapter 15: Intelligence

MCQ answers:

1 = b, 2 = d, 3 = b, 4 = d, 5 = b, 6 = a, 7 = c, 8 = c, 9 = d, 10 = a

Short answers:

1.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 300—302 under ’The measurement of intelligence’.

2.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 305 under ’The learning-potential theories of intelligence’.

3.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 307—308 under ’The issues of race and culture in intelligence-testing’.

4.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 307—308 under ’The issues of race and culture in intelligence-testing’. This answer requires you to be very selective in extracting information relating to validity only. You will then need to apply this information to issues of race and culture in intelligence-testing.


Chapter 16: Interpersonal attraction

MCQ answers:

1 = b, 2 = d, 3 = c, 4 = c, 5 = c, 6 = c, 7 = d, 8 = d, 9 = c, 10 = c

Short answers:

1.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 333 under ’Attachment styles in adult relationships’, within Table 16.1.

2.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 324—328 under ’The internal and external determinates of attraction’.

3.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 331—332 under ’Types of love’.

4.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 326 under ’Similarity’.

5.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 330 under ’Socio-cultural theory’.

Chapter 17: Group concepts

MCQ answers:

1 = c, 2 = a, 3 = d, 4 = a, 5 = b, 6 = c, 7 = b, 8 = d, 9 = d, 10 = a

Short answers:

1.You should begin your answer to this question with a definition of ’social identity’ and ’social-identity formation’, which can be found on p. 347 under ’Positional-level explanations of intergroup relations’. You should then describe what you perceive your own social identity to be and relate this to the types of social groups to which you belong. Information on types of social groups may be found on p. 339 under ’Types of social groups’.

2.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 343 under ’Dynamics within a small group’, and on pp. 344—345 under ’Social influence’. You should use the information in these sections to specifically address the possible dynamics and influences that may operate within a jury.

3.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 346—348 under ’Explaining intergroup relations by focusing on different levels of analysis’. You should begin your answer with a brief description of the levels of analysis and then choose and expand upon two theories from any of the four levels that can be found on p. 346 under ’Levels at which social influence can be analysed’.

Chapter 18: Poverty and ethnicity

MCQ answers:

1 = c, 2 = d, 3 = a, 4 = d, 5 = b, 6 = b, 7 = c, 8 = a, 9 = c, 10 = b

Short answers:

1.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 357—358, where three ways in which the question of poverty is important to the study and practice of psychology are explained.

2.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 354—356 under ’The negative effects of poverty’. You will need to be selective with the information in this section by focusing on the impact of poverty on mental health. You should conclude with a brief explanation of why we should be careful not to stereotype poor people as ’mentally unhealthy’.

3.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 358 under ’Alienation from “mainstream” society’.

4.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 358—359 under ’The other side of the coin’.

5.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 358—359 under ’The other side of the coin’.

6.The aim of this exercise is to promote critical thinking about the intersection between race and ethnicity during two significant eras in South African history: pre- and post-apartheid. You should be able to explore the link between ideology and ethnicity, the link between ’race’ as an ideological construct and ethnicity, the practical manner in which this manifested itself in population classification, and everyday discourses related to labelling in apartheid South Africa. In addition, you need to articulate whether ethnic labels, groups and identities continue to exist in post-apartheid South Africa, and whether and in what way the meanings associated with these labels, groups and identities are the same or different to those that existed in apartheid South Africa.

7.This exercise requires that you conduct independent research on China or India. You should choose one of these contexts and focus your reading on the historical and contemporary differentiation of ethnicity in that context. You will then need to apply your understanding of the contents of the chapter to assess the degree to which ethnicity in the context you have chosen operates differently (or similarly) to the examples given in the text. Rather than requiring an absolute answer, this exercise provides an opportunity for you to think critically in relation to the subject matter.

Chapter 19: Sex, gender and sexuality

MCQ answers:

1 = b, 2 = d, 3 = b, 4 = d, 5 = c, 6 = c, 7 = d, 8 = c, 9 = b, 10 = b

Short answers:

1.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 377—378 under ’Social-learning theory’.

2.The information needed to answer this question may be found within Box 19.3 on p. 378.

3.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 377 under ’Psychoanalytic theory’.

4.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 378—379 under ’Cognitive-developmental approaches’.

Chapter 20: Violence and traumatic stress, peacemaking and peacebuilding

MCQ answers:

1 = c, 2 = c, 3 = d, 4 = d, 5 = a, 6 = d, 7 = c, 8 = c, 9 = d, 10 = d

Short answers:

1.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 389 under ’What precisely is violence?’

2.You will need to begin the answer to this question with a brief description of a violent act you may have witnessed or read about. Then refer to information on pp. 391—392 under ’Theories of violence’ to explain why you think the people who perpetrated this act behaved in the way they did.

3.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 393 under ’Fragmentation’ and ’Disempowerment’. You must relate this information to a child being beaten at school.

4.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 395—396 under ’Violence prevention and recovery’. You must relate this information to a child being beaten at school.

5.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 397 within Box 20.4.

6.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 399 under ’Conflict resolution’.

7.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 401—403 under ’Peacebuilding’.

8.Before attempting to answer this question, you will need to conduct some independent research on the Arab-Israeli conflict or the India-Pakistan conflict. Then recall what you learnt on pp. 403—404 under ’Actions that psychologists can employ to promote peace’, and apply this to either of these conflicts.

9.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 402 under ’The honouring of multiple voices and the co-construction of social change’.


Chapter 21: Risk behaviour and stress

MCQ answers:

1 = b, 2 = c, 3 = a, 4 = a, 5 = a, 6 =d, 7 = c, 8 = a, 9 = d, 10 = c

Short answers:

1.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 420 under ’An ecological-systems approach to understanding risk behaviour’.

2.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 420 under ’An ecological-systems approach to understanding risk behaviour’.

3.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 420 under ’An ecological-systems approach to understanding risk behaviour’.

4.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 421—425 under ’The individual level’ and ’The interpersonal level’. Your answer should begin by briefly summarising the models of understanding risk behaviour at the individual and interpersonal level. Thereafter the main criticisms of these models should be described.

5.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 427 under ’Cultural perspectives’.

6.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 429—430 under ’Defining stress’.

7.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 432 under ’Types of stress’.

8.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 435 under ’Stress and illness’.

Chapter 22: Substance abuse and psychopharmacology

MCQ answers:

1 = b, 2 = c, 3 = c, 4 = a, 5 = d, 6 = d, 7 = b, 8 = c, 9 = a, 10 = c

Short answers:

1.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 445—448 under ’The risk and resilience approach to substance use disorders among adolescents’.

2.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 445—448 under ’The risk and resilience approach to substance use disorders among adolescents’. You should reproduce Figure 22.6 to illustrate your answer.

3.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 445—446 under ’Biological factors’. 4. The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 446 under ’Factors located at the level of interpersonal functioning’.

5.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 449, within Box 22.4.

6.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 449 under ’Psychopharmacology’.

7.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 450 under ’Drug potency, efficacy and dose’.

8.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 450 under ’Drug potency, efficacy and dose’.

9.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 444 under ’Drug dependence and tolerance’.

Chapter 23: Nutrition, HIV/AIDS, TB and parasites

MCQ answers:

1 = d, 2 = c, 3 = d, 4 = b, 5 = b, 6 = a, 7 = d, 8 = d, 9 = b, 10 = d

Short answers:

1.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 460—461 under ’Nutrition during infancy and early childhood’.

2.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 461—463 under ’Nutrition during the pubertal growth spurt and adolescence’.

3.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 461—463 under ’Nutrition during the pubertal growth spurt and adolescence’ and within Box 23.5 on p. 465.

4.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 463 under ’Nutrition at older ages’. 5. The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 470—471 under ’Nutrition for people living with HIV/AIDS’.

6.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 469—470 under ’Voluntary counselling and testing’.

7.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 470 under ’The impact of HIV/AIDS on mental health’.

8.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 472—473 under ’Contributions of psychology to the prevention and control of TB’. You will need to extract the relevant information.

9.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 475—476 under ’Bio-psychosocial influences that increase vulnerability to parasitic infections’.


Chapter 24: Psychopathology

MCQ answers:

1 = b, 2 = c, 3 = d, 4 = c, 5 = a, 6 = b, 7 = d, 8 = c, 9 = b, 10 = c

Short answers:

1.You will need to begin by identifying a behaviour that you consider abnormal. You should then justify your choice by referring to the criteria that would separate it from normal behaviour. You will find the relevant information on pp. 492—493 under ’Statistical deviance’, ’Maladaptiveness’ or ’Personal distress’.

2.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 498—500 under ’Classification of mental illness’. You should be selective in the information you use from this section by focusing on the advantages and disadvantages of the DMS system.

3.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 503—504 under ’The community psychology perspective’.

4.You will need to begin your answer to this question by distinguishing between positive and negative symptoms (see pp. 507—509). Thereafter the information needed to list the positive symptoms of schizophrenia may be found on p. 507.

Chapter 25: Psychotherapies

MCQ answers:

1 = c, 2 = b, 3 = c, 4 = d, 5 = b, 6 = b, 7 = c, 8 = c, 9 = a, 10 = b

Short answers:

1.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 515—517 under ’Therapeutic techniques and procedures’.

2.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 518 under ’Cognitive distortions and the roots of psychological distress’. You should provide your own examples and not merely repeat those offered in the text.

3.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 521 under ’Key ideas’.

4.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 523—524 under ’Therapeutic techniques and procedures’.

5.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 527 under ’Indigenous therapies’.

Chapter 26: Community mental health

MCQ answers:

1 = d, 2 = d, 3 = c, 4 = c, 5 = c, 6 = b, 7 = a, 8 = a, 9 = b, 10 = b

Short answers:

1.To answer this question you should begin by describing the hierarchical structure and ecological interdependence of mental health or well-being. Information on definitions of mental health is on pp. 534—535 under ’Defining mental health’ and ’Dimensions of mental health’. The dimensions of mental health should then be situated appropriately in this ecological framework.

2.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 535 within Box 26.2.

3.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 537—538 under ’Protective factors and risk factors’. Your answer must include examples of protective factors and risk factors that you can identify as operating in the community where you live.

4.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 541 under ’A model of community intervention’.

5.You should begin the answer to this question by describing historical and current mental health services in South Africa. The information needed to do this may be found on pp. 538—539 under ’Mental health services in South Africa’. You should then describe what a primary health care approach entails (see p. 539) and suggest ways that this approach may impact on the provision of mental health services to all South Africans.


Chapter 27: Organisational psychology

MCQ answers:

1 = d, 2 = d, 3 = b, 4 = c, 5 = a, 6 = a, 7 = c, 8 = c, 9 = a, 10 = d

Short answers:

1.The information needed to answer this question may be found on p. 555 within Box 27.2.

2.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 555—556 under ’An emerging post-industrial world’.

3.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 556—557 under ’The early years: scientific management’.

4.The information needed to answer this question may be found on pp. 566—567 under ’Occupational health and ergonomics’.


Chapter 28: African and Eastern psychologies

MCQ answers:

1 = d; 2 = d; 3 = a; 4 = c; 5 = c; 6 = d; 7 = d; 8 = d; 9 = a; 10 = c

Short answers:

1.This experiential exercise must show an understanding of ’worldviews’, (see Introduction on pp. 577—579 and African/Hindu worldviews). Students should go beyond theoretical explanation and show how their interviewees apply these concepts and critically discuss similarities and differences with their own. For example, how is Ubuntu practised in reality? How is karma taken into account during decision-making? How is reincarnation factored into lifestyle choices?

2.This experiential exercise needs to demonstrate research and understanding of how knowledge production and psychological theories are context-dependent. Contrast European/North American contexts with African and Eastern contexts. Concepts like intellectual imperialism, post-colonialism and Western psychologies need to be understood here.

3.This experiential exercise needs to demonstrate research and critical thinking. (See Textbox 28.1 by Prof. Steve Edwards on p. 579 and ’Future Directions’ on pp. 591—592). Answer must refer to use of breathing, dance, music, communal story-telling, involving families, etc. as healing modalities.

4.Briefly outline principles of Afrocentric psychology (see Afrocentric Worldview on pp. 580—583), then link particular principles to social problems in question. For example, crime is problematic for Africans because life is no longer seen as sacred, affecting the interconnection of people, causing families and community members to be imprisoned, thus affecting the spiritual world of the ancestors as well as the physical world. As a psychologist working in an African setting, one would have to acknowledge and use this fact as a basis for intervention.

5.Show an understanding of the origins of violence and violent behaviour and how rituals communicate to individuals the importance of learning to live in peace and harmony. Show why rituals, ceremonies, the communal self and oneness of mind, body, spirit are important in African thought. (See example of Zolile in ’The spiritual nature of human beings’ on p. 580.)

6.This is a self-reflective exercise requiring research on globalisation and acculturation, and critical application of these concepts by finding examples in students’ own life. Examples may include eating mainly Western foods, speaking English, incorporating Christianity into African traditional religions, consuming and producing Western-oriented knowledge, etc.

7.This requires application of either Eastern or African worldviews and concepts to a particular life issue. Students need to have done a reasonable amount of research into how African/Eastern life issues have not been accommodated in Western theory (e.g. extended mourning periods in Hinduism; circumcision of Xhosa boys as rituals into manhood; receiving the calling to be a sangoma, etc.).