Psy-Complex in Question: Critical Review In Psychology, Psychoanalysis And Social Theory - Ian Parker 2018

Psy-Complex in Question: Critical Review In Psychology, Psychoanalysis And Social Theory - Ian Parker 2018


On Psychology and Psychotherapy

Constructing the Subject

Foucault, Psychology and the Analytics of Power

Psychology without Foundations

A Critical Psychology of the Postcolonial: ’Race’, Racism and Psychology

Research in Practice

The Politics of Psychotherapy

Implausible Professions

On Psychoanalysis and with Lacan

Freudian Repression

Freud and American Sociology

Psychoanalysis Outside the Clinic

Reading French Psychoanalysis

The Art of Shrinking Heads

The Other Side of Psychoanalysis

A Clinical Introduction to Lacanian Psychoanalysis

The Subject of Addiction

Loving Psychoanalysis

Lacan on Madness

The Subject of Psychosis

Being Irrational

The Lacanian Left

On Social Theory and with Žižek

The Sublime Object of Ideology

The Parallax View

Žižek, Theology, Psychoanalysis and Trauma

Žižek’s Politics

On Žižek’s Dialectics
