The Art of Thinking Clearly - Rolf Dobelli 2014

The Art of Thinking Clearly - Rolf Dobelli 2014


Why You Should Visit Cemeteries

Does Harvard Make You Smarter?

Why You See Shapes in the Clouds

If Fifty Million People Say Something Foolish, It Is Still Foolish

Why You Should Forget the Past

Don’t Accept Free Drinks

Beware the “Special Case”

Murder Your Darlings

Don’t Bow to Authority

Leave Your Supermodel Friends at Home

Why We Prefer a Wrong Map to None at All

Why “No Pain, No Gain” Should Set Alarm Bells Ringing

Even True Stories Are Fairy Tales

Why You Should Keep a Diary

Why You Systematically Overestimate Your Knowledge and Abilities

Don’t Take News Anchors Seriously

You Control Less Than You Think

Never Pay Your Lawyer by the Hour

The Dubious Efficacy of Doctors, Consultants, and Psychotherapists

Never Judge a Decision by Its Outcome

Less Is More

You Like Me, You Really, Really Like Me

Don’t Cling to Things

The Inevitability of Unlikely Events

The Calamity of Conformity

Why You’ll Soon Be Playing Mega Trillions

Why the Last Cookie in the Jar Makes Your Mouth Water

When You Hear Hoofbeats, Don’t Expect a Zebra

Why the “Balancing Force of the Universe” Is Baloney

Why the Wheel of Fortune Makes Our Heads Spin

How to Relieve People of Their Millions

Why Evil Is More Striking Than Good

Why Teams Are Lazy

Stumped by a Sheet of Paper

Curb Your Enthusiasm

Never Ask a Writer If the Novel Is Autobiographical

Why You Shouldn’t Believe in the Stork

Why Attractive People Climb the Career Ladder More Quickly

Congratulations! You’ve Won Russian Roulette

False Prophets

The Deception of Specific Cases

It’s Not What You Say, but How You Say It

Why Watching and Waiting Is Torture

Why You Are Either the Solution—or the Problem

Don’t Blame Me

Be Careful What You Wish For

Do Not Marvel at Your Existence

Why Experience Can Damage Your Judgment

Be Wary When Things Get Off to a Great Start

Sweet Little Lies

Live Each Day as If It Were Your Last—but Only on Sundays

Any Lame Excuse

Decide Better—Decide Less

Would You Wear Hitler’s Sweater?

Why There Is No Such Thing as an Average War

How Bonuses Destroy Motivation

If You Have Nothing to Say, Say Nothing

How to Increase the Average IQ of Two States

If You Have an Enemy, Give Him Information

Hurts So Good

Why Small Things Loom Large

Handle with Care

Speed Traps Ahead!

How to Expose a Charlatan

Volunteer Work Is for the Birds

Why You Are a Slave to Your Emotions

Be Your Own Heretic

Why You Should Set Fire to Your Ships

Disregard the Brand New

Why Propaganda Works

Why It’s Never Just a Two-Horse Race

Why We Take Aim at Young Guns

Why First Impressions Are Deceiving

Why You Can’t Beat Homemade

How to Profit from the Implausible

Knowledge Is Nontransferable

The Myth of Like-Mindedness

You Were Right All Along

Why You Identify with Your Football Team

The Difference between Risk and Uncertainty

Why You Go with the Status Quo

Why “Last Chances” Make Us Panic

How Eye-Catching Details Render Us Blind

Why Money Is Not Naked

Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work

Build Your Own Castle

Why You Prefer Novels to Statistics

You Have No Idea What You Are Overlooking

Hot Air

Where’s the Off Switch?

Why You Take On Too Much

Those Wielding Hammers See Only Nails

Mission Accomplished

The Boat Matters More Than the Rowing

Why Checklists Deceive You

Drawing the Bull’s-Eye around the Arrow

The Stone Age Hunt for Scapegoats

Why Speed Demons Appear to Be Safer Drivers

Why You Shouldn’t Read the News


A Note on Sources